




So here's an issue at my work. I've got a few TestNG cases that, if run within the primary batch of test cases, wreak havock throughout the other test cases. Rather than going through and changing all our test cases, I've made a group for the involved cases. I run the main test suite, excluding that group, and then make a second Ant call to run the affected group. This way all test cases pass, but I'm ending up having to create two TestNG reports so that the first one doesn't get overriden with the results from the second group.


So here's my question: is it possible to merge the second test result report with the first, or am I stuck with the two?


我认为,唯一能做到这一点的方法是在两次运行后处理TestNG XML输出。您应该能够整理两次运行中的XML文件,并使用。

I think that the only way you would be able to do this is to process the TestNG XML output after the two runs. You should be able to collate the XML files from the two runs and combine it into a single HTML report using the Ant JUnit Report task.

如果您不满意从中获得的输出,可能是因为TestNG组织其JUnit XML输出奇怪。如果您在我的中使用JUnitXMLReporter,并执行JUnit报表,就能取得更理想的结果

If you aren't happy with the output you get from this, it could be because TestNG organises its JUnit XML output oddly. You get better results (in my opinion) if you use the JUnitXMLReporter from my ReportNG project and run JUnit Report on that.


Alternatively, you might be able to use this XSLT reporter for TestNG to combine the XML output from the two test runs into a single HTML report, though I've no idea if it supports this or not.


07-31 13:07