Question: Given an unsorted array of positive integers, is it possible to find a pair of integers from that array that sum up to a given sum?
约束:这应该在 O(n) 和就地完成(没有任何外部存储,如数组、哈希映射)(您可以使用额外的变量/指针)
Constraints: This should be done in O(n) and in-place (without any external storage like arrays, hash-maps) (you can use extra variables/pointers)
If this is not possible, can there be a proof given for the same?
如果你有一个已排序的数组,你可以通过将两个指针向中间移动来在 O(n) 中找到这样的一对
If you have a sorted array you can find such a pair in O(n) by moving two pointers toward the middle
i = 0
j = n-1
while(i < j){
if (a[i] + a[j] == target) return (i, j);
else if (a[i] + a[j] < target) i += 1;
else if (a[i] + a[j] > target) j -= 1;
return NOT_FOUND;
如果您对数字的大小有限制(或者如果数组首先已经排序),则可以进行 O(N) 排序.即便如此,log n 因子也非常小,我不想费心把它刮掉.
The sorting can be made O(N) if you have a bound on the size of the numbers (or if the the array is already sorted in the first place). Even then, a log n factor is really small and I don't want to bother to shave it off.
如果有一个解(i*, j*)
到达 j*
.因为对于 j*
和 j
之间的所有 j'
我们知道 a[j'] >a[j*]
我们可以推断 a[i] + a[j'] >a[i*] + a[j*] = target
,因此,算法的所有后续步骤将导致 j 减少,直到达到 j*
(或等于value) 而不给 i
If there is a solution (i*, j*)
, suppose, without loss of generality, that i
reaches i*
before j
reaches j*
. Since for all j'
between j*
and j
we know that a[j'] > a[j*]
we can extrapolate that a[i] + a[j'] > a[i*] + a[j*] = target
and, therefore, that all the following steps of the algorithm will cause j to decrease until it reaches j*
(or an equal value) without giving i
a chance to advance forward and "miss" the solution.
The interpretation in the other direction is similar.