我在使用 Robot 框架和 Selenium2Library 处理 iframe 时遇到问题.它抛出错误:
I have a problem when working with iframe using Robot framework and Selenium2Library. It throws error:
WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: unhandled inspector error: {"code":-
32000,"message":"Cannot find context with specified id"}
(Session info: chrome=55.0.2883.87)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.25.426923 (0390b88869384d6eb0d5d09729679f934aab9eed),platform=Windows NT 6.1.7601 SP1 x86_64)
Fill In Description ${description}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${FRAME} 40
Select Frame ${FRAME}
wait until page contains element ${IFRAME BODY}
Click Element ${IFRAME BODY}
wait until page contains element ${IFRAME BODY}
Clear Element Text ${IFRAME BODY}
wait until page contains element ${IFRAME BODY}
Input Text ${IFRAME BODY} ${description}
Unselect Frame
在步骤 Input Text ${IFRAME BODY} ${description}
顺便说一句,我在更多出现此 iframe 的页面上重复使用此关键字,但它仅在一次确切的情况下失败 - 但所有 iframe 的 html 代码都是相同的,所以真的不明白为什么它有时会起作用..
Btw I reuse this keyword for more pages where this iframe occurs but it fails only in once exact case - but the html code is the same for all the iframes, so really dont understand why it works just sometimes..
So I had to change the code like this to work in other frame:
Log comment ${comment}
wait until element is visible ${RICH TEXT AREA} 40
sleep 1
click element ${RICH TEXT AREA}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${FRAME} 40
Select Frame ${FRAME}
wait until element is visible ${IFRAME BODY} 20
input text ${IFRAME BODY} ${comment}
Unselect Frame
在 Iframe 中仍然是 //body
is still //body
in Iframe and surprisingly it inputs the text all the time now...And unfortunately it does not work without sleep :( But with sleep it works..
这篇关于未处理的错误“找不到具有指定 id 的上下文"使用机器人框架的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!