本文介绍了泛化和专业化 - 有什么区别的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am having a hard time actually finding the difference between a Generalization and a Specialization, and when to use either one.


最终也是一个使用 UML 的插图

Eventually also an illustration using UML


Animal 是泛化,Dog 是特化.您的超类是一个通用类,但您的子类将是您的超类的专门继承者.随着您在继承层次结构中向下移动,它会变得更加专业化和普遍化.

Animal is a generalization , Dog is specialization. Your superclass is a generalized class , but your subclass will be a specialized inheritor of your superclass. It becomes more specialized and less generalized as you move down the inheritance hierarchy .


Generalization is the process of extracting shared characteristics from two or more classes, and combining them into a generalized superclass. Shared characteristics can be attributes, associations, or methods.


If some new subclasses are created from an existing superclass to do specific job of the superclass, then it is known as specialization.

您可以获得更清晰的 UML 图教程 这里.

You can get more clear tutorial with UML diagrams here.

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09-03 09:05