



我是架构新手.我有一个 MVC Web 应用程序项目,我想首先使用 EF 代码.我想为这个项目使用架构.我想使用 DDD(域驱动设计),但它适用于大型项目.我想要一个简单的 DDD 来支持我的项目中的这些东西:1-存储库模式2-国际奥委会3-服务层如果有人建议架构或示例架构,您对我有什么建议,这对我更有帮助,谢谢.

i am new in architecture .I have a MVC web application project and I want to use EF code FIRST .I want to use an architecture for this project.I want to use DDD(domain driven design) but it is for large project. i want a simple of DDD that support this things in my project:1-repository pattern2-IOC3-service layerwhat is your suggestion for me if anyone suggest an architecture or a sample architecture it will be more helpful for me thanks.


创建一个新的 MVC 项目,然后从 nuget 安装 CodePlanner.

Create a new MVC project and then install CodePlanner from nuget.

Install-Package CodePlanner

这将为您提供您正在寻找的架构.然后按照 readme.txt 中的说明进行操作...

This will give you the architecture you are looking for.Then follow the instructions in the readme.txt...

它会让你有机会使用 DDD 并生成除业务逻辑之外的所有代码(当然).

It will give you the chance to use DDD and will generate all code except business logic (of course).

您可以在此处查看如何使用它的演示(11:40 进入视频)

You can see a demo of how to use it here (11:40 into the video)


07-31 12:09