我正在通过 CodeDeploy
在 /etc/logstash/
中的目标实例中部署 logstash 配置.
I am deploying via CodeDeploy
a logstash configuration in a target instance in /etc/logstash/
这是 3 阶段 CodePipeline
This is the last step in a 3-staged CodePipeline
如何指示 CodeDeploy
How can I instruct CodeDeploy
to overwrite files?
目前,我看到您可以覆盖文件的唯一方法是选择覆盖或保留,如此处所示,当您创建新部署.在其他任何地方您都不会看到这些设置.如果我没记错的话,这是唯一的方法,因为 CLI 不支持它.
Currently, the only way I have seen that you can overwrite files is selecting to overwrite or retain, as seen here, when you're creating a new deployment. In no other place will you see those settings. And if I'm not mistaken, this is the only way to do it because it is not supported on the CLI.
2021 年 7 月更新:看起来 AWS 终于承认了这个缺陷——看 在这里获取更新.
July 2021 Update: Looks like AWS has finally acknowledged this defect -- look here for updates on all that.
这篇关于CodeDeploy 配置以覆盖文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!