


Is it possible to set aliases in the ghci.conf file?

例如,我在bash.bashrc中具有 alias sbh ='cd Desktop/Sandbox/Haskell',可以让我快速跳转到指定的文件夹.通过在ghci.conf文件中添加别名,是否可以在ghci中实现同样的目的?

For example I have alias sbh='cd Desktop/Sandbox/Haskell' in bash.bashrc which lets me quickly jump to the specified folder. Is the same thing possible in ghci by putting an alias in the ghci.conf file?

我在ghci.conf中已经有一些命令,但是我想设置多个别名以跳转到文件夹位置,而不必使用:cd home/sandbox/foo/bar 时间.我在Google上找不到任何东西,所以它以前从未被考虑过,或者只是缺少了一些非常简单的东西.

I already have a few commands in ghci.conf but I would like to have multiple aliases set up to jump to folder locations without having to use :cd home/sandbox/foo/bar all of the time. I cant find anything on google so either its never been considered before or am just missing something very simple.


:def 命令可以执行以下操作:

The :def command can do this:

:def sbh const $ return ":cd Desktop/Sandbox/Haskell"

如您所见,它比仅提供替换字符串要复杂一些:它使用类型为 String->的Haskell函数.新定义的命令将IO String 应用于其自变量字符串,以计算要运行的新命令.

As you can see it is a little more complicated than just giving a substitution string: It takes a Haskell function of type String -> IO String which the newly defined command applies to its argument string to calculate new commands to run.

然后在GHCI :sbh 中调用.

Then in GHCI :sbh to invoke.


07-31 11:41