




  checkRules :: [Nucleotide]  - > ; Bool 
checkRules nucs =或$ map($ nucs)[checkRule1,checkRule2]

i从单独的模块中导入checkRule1和checkRule2 - 我不知道以后我是否还需要更多它们。


   - 从规则中导入所有函数作为规则,其中
- :t rules ~~> [([Nucleotide] - > Bool)]

checkRules :: [Nucleotide] - > Bool
checkRules nucs =或$ map($ nucs)规则

预先感谢ε/ 2

所以我认为是对的 - 我需要:

  genList :: File  - > TypeSignature  - > [TypeSignature] 
chckfun ::(a-> b) - > TypeSignature - > Bool

但我无法生成模块中所有函数的列表 - 因为它们很可能没有相同的类型签名,因此并不是所有函数都适合在一个列表中。所以我不能用chckfun过滤给定的列表。

  • 为了做到这一点,我要么检查源文件中的写入类型签名?)或编译器给出的推理类型(?)。
  • 我想到的另一个问题是:并非写入源文件的每个函数都可能导出? / p>

  • 这是一个haskell初学者在学习5个月后应该尝试解决的问题 - 毕竟这个编译时间思考之后,我的大脑被塑造成一个克莱恩的瓶子,

  • a href =http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/language-haskell-extract/0.2.0/doc/html/Language-Haskell-Extract.html> language-haskell-extract 。特别是,模板Haskell函数 functionExtractor 接受一个正则表达式,并返回匹配的顶级绑定列表,如(name,value)对。

      { - #LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell# - } $ b只要它们都具有匹配的类型, $ b import Language.Haskell.Extract 

    myFoo =Hello
    myBar =World

    allMyStuff = $(functionExtractor^ my)

    main = print allMyStuff



    Hey haskellers and haskellettes,is it possible to load a module functions in a list.in my concrete case i have a list of functions all checked with or

    checkRules :: [Nucleotide] -> Bool
    checkRules nucs = or $ map ($ nucs) [checkRule1, checkRule2]

    i do import checkRule1 and checkRule2 from a seperate module - i don't know if i will need more of them in the future.

    i'd like to have the same functionality look something like

    -- import all functions from Rules as rules where
    -- :t rules ~~> [([Nucleotide] -> Bool)]
    checkRules :: [Nucleotide] -> Bool
    checkRules nucs = or $ map ($ nucs) rules

    the program sorts Pseudo Nucleotide Sequences in viable and nonviable squences according to given rules.thanks in advance ε/2

    Addendum:So do i think right - i need:

    genList :: File -> TypeSignature -> [TypeSignature]
    chckfun :: (a->b) -> TypeSignature -> Bool

    at compile time.but i can't generate a list of all functions in the module - as they most probably will have not the same type signature and hence not all fit in one list. so i cannot filter given list with chckfun.

    • In order to do this i either want to check the written type signatures in the source file (?) or the inferenced types given by the compiler(?).
    • another problem that comes to my mind is: not every function written in the source file might get exported ?

    • Is this a problem a haskell beginner should try to solve after 5 months of learning - my brain is shaped like a klein's bottle after all this "compile time thinking".


    There is a nice package on Hackage just for this: language-haskell-extract. In particular, the Template Haskell function functionExtractor takes a regular expression and returns a list of the matching top level bindings as (name, value) pairs. As long as they all have matching types, you're good to go.

    {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
    import Language.Haskell.Extract
    myFoo = "Hello"
    myBar = "World"
    allMyStuff = $(functionExtractor "^my")
    main = print allMyStuff


    [("myFoo", "Hello"), ("myBar", "World")]


07-31 11:40