本文介绍了带有 dgemm/dgemv 的矩阵向量乘积的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 C++ 中使用 Lapack 让我有点头疼.我发现为 fortran 定义的函数有点古怪,所以我尝试在 C++ 上创建一些函数,以便我更容易阅读正在发生的事情.

Using Lapack with C++ is giving me a small headache.I found the functions defined for fortran a bit eccentric, so I tried to make a few functions on C++ to make it easier for me to read what's going on.


Anyway, I'm not getting th matrix-vector product working as I wish.Here is a small sample of the program.



#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern "C"{
    // product C= alphaA.B + betaC
   void dgemm_(char* TRANSA, char* TRANSB, const int* M,
               const int* N, const int* K, double* alpha, double* A,
               const int* LDA, double* B, const int* LDB, double* beta,
               double* C, const int* LDC);
    // product Y= alphaA.X + betaY
   void dgemv_(char* TRANS, const int* M, const int* N,
               double* alpha, double* A, const int* LDA, double* X,
               const int* INCX, double* beta, double* C, const int* INCY);

void initvec(double* v, int N){
    for(int i= 0; i<N; ++i){
        v[i]= 0.0;

void matvecprod(double* A, double* v, double* u, int N){
    double alpha= 1.0, beta= 0.0;
    char no= 'N', tr= 'T';
    int m= N, n= N, lda= N, incx= N, incy= N;
    double* tmp= new double[N];
    initvec(tmp, N);
    for(int i= 0; i<N; ++i){
        u[i]= tmp[i];
    delete [] tmp;

void vecmatprod(double* v, double* A, double* u, int N){
    double alpha= 1.0, beta= 0.0;
    char no= 'N', tr= 'T';
    int m= N, n= 1, k= N, lda= N, ldb= N, ldc= N;
    double* tmp= new double[N];
    initvec(tmp, N);
    for(int i= 0; i<N; ++i){
        u[i]= tmp[i];
    delete [] tmp;




void initvec(double* v, int N);

void matvecprod(double* A, double* v, double* u, int N);

void vecmatprod(double* v, double* A, double* u, int N);




#include "smallmatlib.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 2

int main(){
  double A[SIZE*SIZE]=
    { 1,2,
      3,4 };
  double v[SIZE]= {2,5.2};
  double u[SIZE]= {0,0};
  printf("%f %f\n",u[0],u[1]);
  printf("%f %f\n",u[0],u[1]);
  return 0;

g++ -c smallmatlib.cpp
g++ smallmatlab.cpp smallmatlib.o -L/usr/local/lib -lclapack -lcblas

g++ -c smallmatlib.cpp
g++ smallmatlab.cpp smallmatlib.o -L/usr/local/lib -lclapack -lcblas

现在函数 matvecprod 是问题所在.使用示例矩阵 A 和示例向量 v,它应该产生类似

Now the function matvecprod is the problem.With the example matrix A and example vector v, it should produce an output like

12.4..    26.8..


2.00..    0.00..

我尝试使用 dgemm 和 dgemv 产生正确的结果,但未能成功.我有一种预感,我的变量 incx 和 incy 没有正确的值,但很难找到我能理解的解释.

I tried to produce the correct result with both dgemm and dgemv, but wasn't able to. I have a hunch that my variables incx and incy do not have correct values, but it's difficult to find an explanation for them that I'd understand.

一个较小的问题是目前我不能像vecmatprod(v,A,v,SIZE)- 也就是说,我总是必须定义向量 u,它将单独保存结果,并调用 vecmatprod(v,A,u,SIZE).任何帮助将不胜感激.

A smaller problem is that at the moment I can't use them like vecmatprod(v,A,v,SIZE)- that is, I always have to define the vector u, that will hold the result, separately, and call vecmatprod(v,A,u,SIZE).Any help would be appreciated.

顺便说一句,我也是 C++ 的初学者,所以我感谢您对我的代码提出的任何批评/建议.

As a side note, I'm also a beginner at C++, so I appreciate any criticism/suggestion you might have about my code.



You are right, the problem is in incx value - it should be 1, take a look at reference.

  On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of
  X. INCX must not be zero.

所以当向量 x 的值不是一一放置时(例如,当您只想使用实部时的复数值向量)时,应使用此值.

So this value should be used when values of vector x is not placed one by one (vector of complex values for example, when you want to use only real part).

你也不能使用 vecmatprod(v,A,v,SIZE)v 作为 xy.这是因为矩阵向量乘法的工作原理(例如,参见 wikipedia).您始终需要原始 x 的值才能产生正确的结果.小例子:

Also you can not use vecmatprod(v,A,v,SIZE) with v as both x and y. This is because how matrix-vector multiplication works (see wikipedia for example). You need values of original x the whole time to produce correct result. Small example:

y = A * x


y = [ y1 y2 ]
A = [ [a11 a12] [a21 a22] ]
x = [ x1 x2 ]


y1 = a11 * x1 + a12 * x2
y2 = a21 * x1 + a22 * x2

你可以看到,当我们计算y2时,我们需要x1x2,但是如果你使用x = A *x(没有临时向量)你将用 y1 替换 x1 从而产生错误的答案.

You can see, that when we calculate y2 we need x1 and x2, but if you use x = A * x(without temporary vector) you will replace x1 with y1 thus produce wrong answer.

这篇关于带有 dgemm/dgemv 的矩阵向量乘积的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 11:14