本文介绍了如何使Angular UI Router尊重“非路由的"路由器.网址的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这是我第一次使用AngularUI Router,所以我想我正在犯一个新手错误,希望有人可以指导我.

This is my first experience with AngularUI Router, so I guess I'm making a newbie error and hope somebody can guide me.

我已经配置了一个单页应用程序以在HTML5模式下使用Angular UI Router,并且一切似乎都能按预期工作.

I've configured a single-page application to use Angular UI Router in HTML5 mode and it all seems to work as expected.

    "$stateProvider", "$urlRouterProvider", "$locationProvider",
    function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
        $stateProvider.state("concept", {
            url: "/concepts/:conceptKey",
            templateUrl: "/templates/concept-view.html",
            controller: "conceptViewController",
            resolve: {
                concept: [
                    "$stateParams", "conceptsApi",
                    function ($stateParams, conceptsApi) {
                        return conceptsApi.getConcept($stateParams.conceptKey);




However, the same page also contains some links to other static pages on the same site, using relative URLs. Prior to installing Angular routing, these links worked correctly, but now they are broken. Specifically, clicking any one of these links correctly changes the browser address bar, but does not trigger navigation to that destination page.


I assume I need to add something to tell the routing configuration to ignore certain URL patterns, but I haven't found any information that shows me how to do this. Any suggestions please?



经过一番调查,我发现此问题与Angular UI Router无关.相同的行为也出现在本地AngularJS路由机制中,并且是由$location实现的链接重写逻辑引起的,如中所述本文档.

After some investigation I discovered that this issue is not specifically related to Angular UI Router. The same behavior is also present in the native AngularJS routing mechanism and is caused by the link rewriting logic implemented by $location, as described in this documentation.


Further discussion of the problem is here.


I found two possible solutions, both of which seem to work well:


Explicitly target links to static pages: By including the attribute target="_self" in any links to static pages (i.e. pages that fall outside the defined Angular routing scheme) they will be ignored by AngularJS and thus rendered correctly.


Disable link re-writing: When configuring Angular routing in HTML5 mode, two syntax formats are supported. The simplest format ...



... enables HTML5 mode with the default configuration. However, the long-form syntax provides access to additional configuration properties, one of which solves the above problem by disabling Angular's default behavior of intercepting and re-writing link URLs:

    enabled: true,
    requireBase: false,
    rewriteLinks: false

我使用了第二种解决方案,它似乎对路由方案中定义的URL的行为没有不利影响.该解决方案似乎与Angular UI Router和本机AngularJS路由同样有效.

I used the 2nd solution and it appears to have no adverse effect on the behavior of URLs defined in the routing scheme. This solution appears to work equally well with Angular UI Router and with native AngularJS routing.

这篇关于如何使Angular UI Router尊重“非路由的"路由器.网址的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 11:08