


Lets say you have an action method to display products in a shopping cart

 // ProductsController.cs
 public ActionMethod Index(string gender) {

      // get all products for the gender


Elsewhere, in a masthead that is displayed on every page you are using Url.RouteUrl to create HREF links to other pages on the site :

 <a href="<%= Url.RouteUrl("testimonials-route", new { }) %>" All Testimonials </a>


This testimonials-route is defined in global.ascx by the first route below.Notice that the above call to RouteUrl does not provide a gender, but the route is defined with a default of 'neutral' so we'd expect Testimonials.Index("neutral") to be called.

  new { controller = "Testimonials", action = "Index", gender = "neutral" },
  new { gender = "(men|women|neutral)" }

  new { controller = "Products", action = "Index", gender = (string)null },
  new { gender = "(men|women|neutral)" }


If someone visits the page /products/women we get an HREF to /testimonials/womenIf someone visits the page /products then we get an empty HREF (the call to RouteUrl returns null).


But that doesn't make sense does it? testimonials-route is supposed to default to 'neutral' for us if we don't provide a route value for it?

事实是,Url.RouteUrl(routeName, routeValues)帮助程序扩展将首先在其routeValues参数中查找gender路由值,如果在该词典中找不到该值,它将查找当前URL我们处于启用状态(请记住,Url是一个UrlHelper对象,它具有当前请求的上下文可用).

What turns out is happening is that Url.RouteUrl(routeName, routeValues) helper extension will first look in its routeValues parameter for a gender route value and if it doesn't find it in that dictionary it will look at the current URL that we're on (remember that Url is a UrlHelper object which has the context of the current request available to it).


This has a possibly nice effect of giving us a link to men's testimonials if we're on a mens product page, but that probably isnt what we want if we haven't passed a value in the RouteUrl call, and explicitly specified 'neutral' as a default in the global.asax.cs file.

在我们访问了/products/的情况下,我们触发了'products-route'路线,并调用了Products(null)方法.当我们使用testimonials-route创建URL时,对Url.RouteUrl()的调用实际上继承了gender的此null值.即使我们在'testimionials-route中为gender指定了默认值,它仍然使用此null值,这会导致路由失败,并且RouteUrl返回null. [注意:路线失败是因为我们对(men | women | neutral)有约束,而null不适合该条件]

In the case where we visited /products/ we triggered the 'products-route' route and the Products(null) method was called. The call to Url.RouteUrl() actually inherits THIS null value for gender when we're creating a URL using testimonials-route. Even though we have specified a default for gender in 'testimionials-route' it still uses this null value which causes the route to fail and RouteUrl returns null. [note: the route fails because we have a constraint on (men|women|neutral) and null doesn't fit that]


It actually gets more scary - in that 'controller' and 'action' can be inherited in the same way. This can lead to URLs being generated to completely the wrong controller even when calling RouteUrl(...) with an explicit route name that has a default controller.


In this case once you've figured it out you can fix it quite easily in numerous ways, but it could in other cases cause some dangerous behavior. This may be by design, but its definitely scary.



My solution was this :


An HtmlExtension helper method :

    public static string RouteUrl(this UrlHelper urlHelper, string routeName, object routeValues, bool inheritRouteParams)
        if (inheritRouteParams)
            // call standard method
            return urlHelper.RouteUrl(routeName, routeValues);
            // replace urlhelper with a new one that has no inherited route data
            urlHelper = new UrlHelper(new RequestContext(urlHelper.RequestContext.HttpContext, new RouteData()));
            return urlHelper.RouteUrl(routeName, routeValues);


Url.RouteUrl('testimonials-route', new { }, false)


and know for sure it will always behave the same way no matter what the context.


The way it works is to take the existing UrlHelper and create a new one with blank 'RouteData'. This means there is nothing to inherit from (even a null value).


07-31 10:48