

本文介绍了是否可以将Azure Service Bus的指标信息转发到Azure Application Insights中?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我广泛使用Azure Service Bus队列.而且我计划使用Azure Application Insights监视队列并生成警报.

I use Azure Service Bus Queues extensively. And I am planning to use Azure Application Insights for monitoring Queues and to generate alerts.

是否可以将Azure SB队列的度量标准信息传递到Application Insights中?

Is there a way to pass the metric information of Azure SB Queue into Application Insights ?





Application Insights用于以下服务:

  • Web apps on an IIS server - on-premises or in a VM
  • Java web apps
  • Node.js apps
  • Web apps on Azure
  • Cloud Services on Azure
  • App servers running in Docker
  • Single-page web apps
  • Sharepoint
  • Windows desktop app
  • Other platforms

服务总线指标可为您提供Azure订阅中的资源状态.借助丰富的指标数据集,您可以评估Service Bus资源的整体运行状况, 不仅在名称空间级别,而且在实体级别.这些统计信息可能很重要,因为它们可以帮助您监视服务总线的状态.

Service Bus metrics gives you the state of resources in your Azure subscription. With a rich set of metrics data, you can assess the overall health of your Service Bus resources, not only at the namespace level, but also at the entity level. These statistics can be important as they help you to monitor the state of Service Bus.

有关详细信息,请参阅"Azure Monitor中的Azure Service Bus指标".

For more details, refer "Azure Service Bus metrics in Azure Monitor".

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07-31 10:40