


I have an MVC controller where the model on the post method always comes back as null. I'm not sure if this is because I am using a partial view within the form.


Any idea why the model is not being returned to the controller?



public List<Group> GetStaticMeasures(int businessUnitID)
    List<Group> groups = ctx.Groups
                           .Where(w => w.BusinessUnitID.Equals(businessUnitID))
                           .OrderBy(o => o.SortOrder).ToList();

    groups.ForEach(g => g.Datapoints = g.Datapoints.OrderBy(d => d.SortOrder).ToList());

    return groups;


public ActionResult Data()
    ViewBag.Notification = string.Empty;

    if (User.IsInRole(@"xxx\yyyyyy"))
        List<Group> dataGroups = ctx.GetStaticMeasures(10);
        return View(dataGroups);
        throw new HttpException(403, "You do not have access to the data.");

public ActionResult Data(List<Group> model)
    ViewBag.Notification = string.Empty;

    if (User.IsInRole(@"xxx\yyyyyy"))
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            ViewBag.Notification = "Save Successful";
        throw new HttpException(403, "You do not have access to save the data.");

    return View(model);


@model List<Jmp.StaticMeasures.Models.Group>

<div class="row">
    @using (Html.BeginForm())

        <div class="large-12">
            <div class="large-8 large-centered columns panel">
                @foreach (var g in @Model)
                    foreach (var d in g.Datapoints)
                        @Html.Partial("Measures", d)
                    <hr />

                <input type="submit" class="button" value="Save Changes"/>



@model Jmp.StaticMeasures.Models.Datapoint

@Html.HiddenFor(d => d.ID)
@Html.HiddenFor(d => d.Name)
@Html.HiddenFor(d => d.SortOrder)

@Html.DisplayTextFor(d => d.Name)
@Html.EditorFor(d => d.StaticValue)
@Html.ValidationMessageFor(d => d.StaticValue)



正如你正确地指出,这是因为你使用的部分。这是发生因为 Html.Partial 不知道,这是一个集经营,因此它不会与你结合的集合意向为您的表单元素的名称

As you've rightly noted, this is because you're using a partial. This is happening because Html.Partial has no idea that it's operating on a collection, so it doesn't generate the names for your form elements with your intention of binding to a collection.

不过,在你的情况下,修复似乎是相当简单的。而不是使用 Html.Partial ,你可以简单地改变你的部分成 EditorTemplate 并调用 Html.EditorFor 上模板。 Html.EditorFor 是足够聪明,知道什么时候它处理一个集合,所以它会调用你的模板集合中的每个项目,在窗体上生成正确的名称。

However, the fix in your case appears to be fairly straightforward. Rather than using Html.Partial, you can simply change your partial into an EditorTemplate and call Html.EditorFor on that template instead. Html.EditorFor is smart enough to know when it's handling a collection, so it will invoke your template for each item in the collection, generating the correct names on your form.


So to do what you need, follow these steps:

  1. 创建视图的当前文件夹内的 EditorTemplates 文件夹(例如,如果你的观点是首页\\ Index.cshtml ,创建该文件夹首页\\ EditorTemplates )。这个名字是很重要的,因为它遵循用于查找模板的惯例。

  2. 将这个文件夹中的部分观点。或者,把它放在共享\\ EditorTemplates 文件夹中。

  3. 重新命名为 Datapoint.cshtml 局部视图(这很重要,因为模板的名称是基于类型的名称的约定)。

  1. Create an EditorTemplates folder inside your view's current folder (e.g. if your view is Home\Index.cshtml, create the folder Home\EditorTemplates). The name is important as it follows a convention for finding templates.
  2. Place your partial view in that folder. Alternatively, put it in the Shared\EditorTemplates folder.
  3. Rename your partial view to Datapoint.cshtml (this is important as template names are based on the convention of the type's name).


Now the relevant view code becomes:

// Note:  I removed @ from Model here.
@foreach (var g in Model)
    @Html.EditorFor(m => g.DataPoints)
    <hr />


This ensures the separation of your views, as you had originally intended.


Alright, so as I mentioned below, the problem now is that the model binder has no way of associating a DataPoint with the correct Group. The simple fix is to change the view code to this:

for (int i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++)
    @Html.EditorFor(m => m[i].DataPoints)
    <hr />


That will correctly generate the names, and should solve the model binding problem.



Following John's answer I also included the missing properties on the Group table as HiddenFor's which game me the model back on the post.

@for (int i = 0; i < Model.Count(); i++)
    @Html.HiddenFor(t => Model[i].ID)
    @Html.HiddenFor(t => Model[i].BusinessUnitID)
    @Html.HiddenFor(t => Model[i].SortOrder)
    @Html.HiddenFor(t => Model[i].Name)

    @Html.EditorFor(m => Model[i].Datapoints)
    <hr />

更新2 - 清洁​​的解决方案

我对使用 EditorTemplate 每个数据点也适用于每个集团。而不是需要的循环,再次在视图洒逻辑,那么就可以避免完全由设立 EditorTemplate 。同样的步骤在哪里把模板条款上述适用。

Update 2 - Cleaner solution

My advice for using an EditorTemplate for each DataPoint also applies to each Group. Rather than needing the for loop, again sprinkling logic in the view, you can avoid that entirely by setting up an EditorTemplate for Group. Same steps apply as above in terms of where to put the template.

在这种情况下,模板将 Group.cshtml ,并且将如下所示:

In this case, the template would be Group.cshtml, and would look as follows:

@model Jmp.StaticMeasures.Models.Group

@Html.EditorFor(m => m.DataPoints)
<hr />


As discussed above, this will invoke the template for each item in the collection, which will also generate the correct indices for each Group. Your original view can now be simplified to:

@model List<Jmp.StaticMeasures.Models.Group>

@using (Html.BeginForm())
    // Other markup


07-31 10:08