

本文介绍了尽管Android File Transfer已检测到设备,但Android ADB在Mac OS X中未检测到设备的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在安装android studio之后,我也安装了ADB。但是,由于某种原因,亚行无法检测到我的设备。为了说明一下,我想我已经完成了网上所有的基本工作,即:

After installing android studio, I installed ADB as well. However, for some reason ADB doesn't detect my device. To make a note I think I have done all the basic stuff I found online, i.e. :

  • 将设备设置为开发人员模式并启用USB调试

  • 电缆运行良好(当我连接设备时,Android文件传输会自动打开)

  • Set device in Developer mode and enable USB debugging
  • Cable works well (Android file transfer automatically opens when I connect the device)

已安装Java JDK 8

Installed Java JDK 8

我正在使用Android Studio 2.2并在笔记本电脑上运行Mac OS X Sierra,而android手机正在运行Android 5.0.1(在LG Phone上)

I'm using Android Studio 2.2 and running Mac OS X Sierra on my Laptop, and the android phone is running Android 5.0.1 (on an LG Phone)


NB : I have tried the other solutions on stack overflow but thats not the problem.


ADB (is installed) and works from the command line, but when I run :

  • 'adb usb'命令,它显示错误:未找到设备/仿真器

  • 'adb devices'命令,它会打印已连接的设备列表,并在下面带有空行。


I believe this is a specific issue and the general solutions to install ADB or restart doesn't work here as I have tried all that.

  • 我已经删除并重新安装了android studio,但仍然无法正常工作。

  • I have removed and reinstalled android studio, still not working.


I have removed and reinstalled adb and adb & fastboot, still not working.


I have restarted my device, disabled and re-enabled developer mode, still not working.

很显然,我已经拔掉了好几次电缆,但仍然无法正常工作(只有Android File Transfer不断出现)

Obviously, I have unplugged and plugged the cable back in several times, still not working (only Android File Transfer keeps coming up)


Just in case, I have rooted my device, could that be the problem or that doesn't matter?




Finally got the weird problem fixed :-


You basically need to set the USB mode to PTP mode instead of Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) mode.


When I connected the device via USB the USB icon and Debugging Mode Icon appeared on the status bar on the device.

如果通过从顶部向下滑动来打开控制中心,则应该看到媒体设备MTP-点按以获取更多USB选项。点按它,然后将模式切换到发送图像(PTP)模式,它会询问您是否要启用USB调试。启用它,该设备现在应该已被ADB和Android Studio识别。

If you open control centre by swiping down from the top, you should see a "Media device MTP" - Tap for more USB options. Tap it and switch the mode to "Send Images (PTP)" mode and it should ask you if you want to enable USB debugging. Enable it and the device should be recognised by ADB and Android Studio now.


Thanks for your time to those that offered other solutions.


这篇关于尽管Android File Transfer已检测到设备,但Android ADB在Mac OS X中未检测到设备的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 09:50