


I have this weird problem that I have a blinking option ( appears for a second and then it's gone; and then appears again and so on) when I try to deply an app in the connected devices:


When I try to debug the app in any connected or virtual device I get this error:

01/23 18:49:36: Launching app
$ adb push D:\xxx\app\build\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk /data/local/tmp/com.xxx.appname
Device emulator-5556disconnected, monitoring stopped.
Error while Installing APK

我不是在尝试部署那个幽灵设备.我不知道 emulator-5556 是.尝试过虚拟和真实手机,但出现相同的错误.我唯一能做的就是让它工作",然后 adb kill-server 并选择我想要快速调试的设备.在 emulator-5556 设备再次开始出现之前.

I'm not trying to deply in that ghost device. I don't know that emulator-5556 is. Tried virtual and real phones with the same error. The only thing I can do to make it "work" is doing and adb kill-server and select the device I want to debug fast. Before the emulator-5556 device starts appearing again.

问题是在那之后,如果我需要再次调试(因为我做了一些类似的改变)我需要再次杀死 ADB,因为 emulator-5556 设备再次闪烁.真的很烦.

The problem is after that, If I need to debug again(because I did some change of something like that) I need to kill ADB again because the emulator-5556 device is blinking again. It's really annoying.



netstat -anob

并意识到另一个不相关的应用程序正在使用端口 5556:

And realized another unrelated app was using port 5556:

  TCP               LISTENING       12724
  TCP               LISTENING       12724

Videostream 是将视频流式传输到 chromecast 的应用.那是罪魁祸首.终止进程,现在不再闪烁.

Videostream is the app to stream video to chromecast. That was the culprit. Killed the process and now is not blinking anymore.


07-31 09:42