

本文介绍了GWT 2.X 找不到密钥的资源的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用 i18n 国际化开发了一个 GWT 应用程序.在主机/开发模式下它工作正常,但启动 GWT 编译会出现此错误:找不到密钥 xxx 的资源,如下所示.

I've developed a GWT app using i18n internationalization. In Host/Dev mode it works fine, but launching GWT compile gives this error: No resource found for key xxx, like below.

Compiling module ...rte.RTE
   Scanning for additional dependencies: file:/home/.../client/i18n/RTEValidationMessages.java
      Computing all possible rebind results for '...client.i18n.RTEMessages'
         Rebinding ...client.i18n.RTEMessages
            Invoking com.google.gwt.dev.javac.StandardGeneratorContext@e7dfd0
               Processing interface ...client.i18n.RTEMessages
                  Generating method body for txtIndirizzo3()
                     [ERROR] No resource found for key 'txtIndirizzo3'


public class RTEValidationMessages {
    private RTEMessages additionalMessages;

    public RTEValidationMessages() {
        additionalMessages = GWT.create(RTEMessages.class);

删除给出错误的方法,会导致另一个随机方法出错,而不是接口...client.i18n.RTEMessages 之前或之后的方法.

Deleting the method which gives the error, results in another random method with error, say not the method before or after in the interface ...client.i18n.RTEMessages.



我在使用国际化时遇到过类似的错误.我有英语和波兰语的属性文件:labels_en.propertieslabels_pl.properties.解决方案是创建一个文件 labels.properties(在我的例子中它只是一个 labels_en.properties 的副本).这很奇怪,但不知何故它有所帮助.

I had a similar error once when using internationalization. I had properties files for English and Polish languages: labels_en.properties and labels_pl.properties. The solution was to create also a file labels.properties (in my case it was just a copy of labels_en.properties). It is weird but somehow it helped.

您还应该将属性文件与 RTEMessages 类放在同一个包中.

You should also keep your properties files in the same package as your RTEMessages class.

这篇关于GWT 2.X 找不到密钥的资源的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 08:34