



我正在尝试构建一个股票分析应用程序,它使用了 3 种图表

  • 面积图
  • 烛台图
  • 组合图表

目前我正在使用 JQuery &谷歌图表,正如你在下面看到的,它非常棒:

但是现在,我在这些图表上做了注释.我在 StackOverflow 上提出了另一个问题,询问是否可以在 Google 上注释某些内容图表.

但在这里,我想知道是否有任何其他图表可以支持这 3 种类型的图表AND 允许我在它们上进行注释(在位置绘制形状).>



我真的推荐 HighCharts.它们对于开源项目是免费的,但如果您在商业项目中使用它,则需要获得许可.他们甚至有一个专门用于库存图表的库,名为 HighStock.

如果您想要免费图书馆,我的建议是 Flot.但是,它没有 HighCharts 那么多不同的图表类型.

I'm trying to build a stock analysis application and it uses 3 kinds of charts

  • Area Charts
  • Candlestick Charts
  • Combination Charts

Currently i am doing this by using JQuery & Google charts and as u can see below its pretty awesome:

But now , i was annotations on these charts . I've put up another question here on StackOverflow asking if something can be annotated on Google charts .

But here , i'm asking if there are any other charts that i can use which supports these 3 types of charts AND allows me to annotate (draw shapes at positions) on them.

please help :( I have to deliver this in a week !


I would really recommend HighCharts. They are free for open source project bur requires a license if you use it in a commercial project. They even have a library dedicated to stocking charts, called HighStock.

If you want a free library, my recommendation is Flot. However, it does not come with as many different chart types as HighCharts.


07-31 08:22