本文介绍了TortoiseSvn 突然引发“OPTIONS SSL 握手失败:SSL 错误:sslv3 警报非法参数";在 Windows 7 上的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的一个客户在使用 TortoiseSVN 时遇到了问题.直到现在它都运行良好.她最后一次提交是在 2013 年 2 月 23 日星期四,但现在她收到以下错误:

A client of mine has trouble with TortoiseSVN. It was working fine till now. She did her last commit on Thursday Feb. 23. 2013 But now she gets the following error:

OPTIONS SSL handshake failed: SSL error: sslv3 alert illegal parameter


She cannot access the Repository anymore. No update, no checkout, no log, etc.

很难定位问题.它显示为 tsvn 1.7.4 和 1.7.11

It is difficult to locate the problem. It shows up with tsvn 1.7.4 and 1.7.11

  • She cannot use tsvn with the ProjectRepository
  • She cannot use svn commandline client (http://www.sliksvn.com/en/download) with the ProjectRepository

可以将 tsvn 与另一个服务器上的 PlaygroundRepository 结合使用

She can use tsvn with a PlaygroundRepository on another Server

可以使用 SmartSvn 访问 ProjectRepository

She can access ProjectRepository with SmartSvn

可以在他们的网络中使用 tsvn 和我的 macbook 上的 ProjectServer 并行.

I can use tsvn in their network with the ProjectServer from my macbook with parallels.

我完全卸载/重新安装了 tsvn - 没有成功我删除了 %appdata%\Roaming\Subversion - 没有成功

I entirely uninstalled/reinstalled tsvn -no successI deleted %appdata%\Roaming\Subversion -no success

无奈之下,我安装了 smartsvn,这让她再次工作,但这不是解决方案.

As an act of desperation, I installed smartsvn which makes her work again, but this cannot be the solution.

必须是tsvn、她的机器和ProjectRepository/Server的组合.她的机器与另一台服务器上的 PlaygroundRepository 一起工作.

It must be the combination of tsvn, her machine and the ProjectRepository/Server. Her Machine works with PlaygroundRepository on another server.

任何想法都非常受欢迎.特别是因为它上周与 tsvn 1.7.4 一起工作.

Any Idea is highly welcome. In paticular due to the fact that it worked last week with tsvn 1.7.4.

因此,唯一可能发生变化的是 Windows 框上的一些更新.

So the only thing which might have changes is some updates on the windows box.


检查 MS012-006 在客户端上.那个修补程序破坏了很多东西.回滚看看是否连接成功.

Check for the installation of MS012-006 on the client. That hot fix broke a lot of things. Roll it back and see if connects are successful.

这篇关于TortoiseSvn 突然引发“OPTIONS SSL 握手失败:SSL 错误:sslv3 警报非法参数";在 Windows 7 上的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 07:38