

难道只是我,或Visual Studio 2012年最新的更新,包目前的环境对发行出版,而不是在发布设置中指定的版本?

Is it just me, or Visual Studio 2012 with most recent update, package the current environment release upon publish, rather than the release specified in the publish settings?


How我做我的力量TFS 2010生成,生成所有项目的解决方案要建在调试或发布模式?

UPDATE: To force it to build in release mode I have to update the build definition as per this SO question:How do I force my TFS 2010 Build to build all projects in the solution to be built in Debug or Release Mode?


Not sure why I suddenly have to enforce this flag though??

这不只是你 - 我已经看到了同样的一个星期左右,现在无法弄明白。当我远程的到我的Azure虚拟机只见它已经公布了的web.config只是调试一 - 哎呀!也许它没有运行在web.config转换还是怎么了?

It's not just you - I've been seeing the same thing for a week or so now and couldn't figure it out. When I remoted into my Azure vm I saw the the web.config it had published was just the debug one - yikes! Maybe it's not running the web.config transforms or something?


07-31 07:09