


Ok, here is the problem. I had to write a MIPS program that got 2 input numbers from the user. Then, I had to write a code that would output the product, quotient and remainder for the 2 numbers entered by the user.


Now, that was pretty straight forward. However, I didnt realize that we could NOT use the multiply and divide operands in the program. Now I dont know what to do because I am confused on how to do it without the multiply and division operands. I only used it twice in the whole program, it works fine but my professor wont accept it and now im getting sad. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you


# Given positive integers a and b, output a/b and a%b.
str1: .asciiz "Enter a: "
str2: .asciiz "Enter b: "
str3: .asciiz "a/b = "
str4: .asciiz "a%b = "
str5: .asciiz "a*b = "
newline: .asciiz "\n"

main: li   $v0, 4            # system call code for print_string
  la   $a0, str1         # address of str1
  syscall                # print str1

#get the first number from user, put it into $s0

li   $v0, 5            # system call code for read_int
  syscall                # read an integer into $v0 from console
  add  $s0, $v0, $zero   # copy $v0 into $s0 (a)

#read print_string for str2
li   $v0, 4            # system call code for print_string
  la   $a0, str2         # address of str1
  syscall                # print str1

# get second number from user, put it into $t1
li  $v0, 5      #load syscall for read_int
syscall         #make the syscall
move $s1, $v0       #move the number read into $s1(b)

#DO THE CALCULATIONS................................................
div $s0, $s1        #diving $s0 by $s1
mflo    $t0         #storing value of lo(quotient) in
                #register $t0
mfhi    $t1         #storing value of hi(remainder) in
                #register $t1

mult $s0, $s1
mflo $t2

li $v0,1
move $a0, $t2

li $v0,4
la $a0, str5

#read print_string for str3
li   $v0, 4            # system call code for print_string
  la   $a0, str3         # address of str1
  syscall                # print str1

#print a/b
li  $v0, 1      #load syscall print_int into $v0
move $a0, $t0      #move the number to print into $t2
# read print string for str4
li $v0, 4
    la $a0, str4
# print remainder
li $v0, 1
move $a0, $t1

#end of program
li  $v0, 10     #system call code for exit




I'm not sure I can summarize it succinctly, but here I go with an example:

如果a =数字6,则(简化的8位)为:

Let's say you wish to multiply the number 6 by the number 5.
If a = number 6, then (in simplified 8-bit) this is:

如果b =数字5,则(简化的8位)为:

If b = the number 5, then (in simplified 8-bit) this is:


To multiply these numbers, you need to shift by the nearest multiple of two below the nummber, then add.

例如,5下方的2的最接近倍数是4,也就是说它是2 ^ 2;
a << 2

For example, the nearest multiple of 2 below 5 is 4, that is to say it's 2^2;
So we bitwise shift left a (the number 6) 2 times:
a << 2
Which now makes it 00011000


This means we've now multiplied by 4; to now make this multiplied by 5, we simply add a again:

    =30 (base 10)

哪个是6 * 5.

让我们再次尝试使用12 * 1111以下的2的最接近倍数是8(2 ^ 3).这意味着我们需要将数字按位移位12 3次,然后再将其添加到自身3次.

Let's try this again with 12*11The nearest multiple of 2 below 11 is 8 (2^3). This means we'll need to bitwise shift the number 12 3 times, then add it to itself another 3 times.

    00001100 = 12
    //Let's bitshift by 3
    01100000 = 96
    //Let's add 12 3 times
   =01101100 = 108
   =01111000 = 120
   =10000100 = 132 = 12*11



To Divide

To divide 12 by 11, you go the other way; subtract 12 from 132, 3 times, then bitshift to the right 3 times (to divide by 8)

这是我目前能做的最好的事情;如果您想要更多,请使用C中的相关算法,请参阅 http://www.programmersheaven.com/mb/CandCPP/295363/295363/bitwise-multiplication--division/

That's the best I can do right at this moment; if you want more, with relevant algorithms in C, take a look at http://www.programmersheaven.com/mb/CandCPP/295363/295363/bitwise-multiplication--division/


If you want any of this answer expanded, comment below;

P.S.我为您展示了两个带有质数(讨厌)的示例,但是如果您得到一个像12这样的数字怎么办?逻辑上,根据我所说的,最接近的2的倍数是8(2 ^ 3),因此您必须向左移3位,然后将12加到数字上4次.

P.S. I've shown you two examples with prime numbers (nasty) but what if you get a number like 12?Logically, based on what I've said, the nearest multiple of 2 is 8 (2^3), so you'd have to bitshift left 3, then add 12 to the number 4 times.

但是,如果您进行数学运算,您会发现12实际上是=(2 ^ 3 + 2 ^ 2)...这意味着您可以获得(12<< 3)(即左移12位) 3次)​​,然后将其添加到(12<< 2)(左移12位2次)...魔术!

But if you do the maths, you'd find that 12 is actually = (2^3 + 2^2)... which means you can get (12 << 3) (that's 12 bitshift-left 3 times), then add it to (12 << 2) (that's 12 bitshift left 2 times)... magic!


08-24 10:35