


I was asked this question in an interview: Is string a reference type or a value type.


I said its a reference type. Then he asked me why don't we use new operator while initializing the string ? I said because the c# language has a simpler syntax for creating a string and the compiler automatically converts the code into a call for the construcor of the System.String class.



字符串是不可变的引用类型。还有的 ldstr IL指令,允许推一个新的对象引用字符串。所以,当你写的:

Strings are immutable reference types. There's the ldstr IL instruction which allows pushing a new object reference to a string literal. So when you write:

string a = "abc";


The compiler tests if the "abc" literal has already been defined in the metadata and if not declare it. Then it translates this code into the following IL instruction:

ldstr "abc"

这基本上使 A 局部变量指向字符串中的元数据定义。

Which basically makes the a local variable point to the string literal defined in the metadata.


So I would say that your answer is not quite right as the compiler doesn't translate this into a call to a constructor.


07-31 06:54