




What is the difference between a core and a processor?


I've already looked for it on Google, but I'm just having multi-core and multi-processor definition, but it doesn't match what I am looking for.


核心通常是的基本计算单元CPU-它可以运行单个程序上下文(如果支持硬件线程,例如Intel CPU上的超线程,则可以运行多个程序上下文),维护正确的程序状态,寄存器和正确的执行顺序,并通过。出于优化目的,内核还可以保存带有常用内存块副本的内核缓存。

A core is usually the basic computation unit of the CPU - it can run a single program context (or multiple ones if it supports hardware threads such as hyperthreading on Intel CPUs), maintaining the correct program state, registers, and correct execution order, and performing the operations through ALUs. For optimization purposes, a core can also hold on-core caches with copies of frequently used memory chunks.

CPU可能具有一个或多个内核来在给定的时间执行任务。这些任务通常是操作系统计划的软件进程和线程。请注意,操作系统可能有许多线程要运行,但是CPU在给定的时间只能运行X个此类任务,其中X =内核数*每个内核的硬件线程数。其余的将不得不等待操作系统调度它们,无论是抢占当前正在运行的任务还是任何其他方式。

A CPU may have one or more cores to perform tasks at a given time. These tasks are usually software processes and threads that the OS schedules. Note that the OS may have many threads to run, but the CPU can only run X such tasks at a given time, where X = number cores * number of hardware threads per core. The rest would have to wait for the OS to schedule them whether by preempting currently running tasks or any other means.

除了一个或多个内核之外,CPU还将包括一些将内核连接到外部世界的互连,通常还包括一个大型的最后一级共享缓存。要使CPU工作,还需要其他多个关键要素,但是它们的确切位置可能会因设计而异。您需要一个内存控制器来与内存,I / O控制器(显示器,PCIe,USB等)进行通讯。过去,这些元素位于CPU外部,位于互补的芯片组中,但是大多数现代设计已将它们集成到CPU中。

In addition to the one or many cores, the CPU will include some interconnect that connects the cores to the outside world, and usually also a large "last-level" shared cache. There are multiple other key elements required to make a CPU work, but their exact locations may differ according to design. You'll need a memory controller to talk to the memory, I/O controllers (display, PCIe, USB, etc..). In the past these elements were outside the CPU, in the complementary "chipset", but most modern design have integrated them into the CPU.

此外,CPU可能具有集成的GPU,以及几乎所有其他设计师想要保持的性能,功耗和制造方面的考虑。 CPU设计主要趋向于使用(SoC)。

In addition the CPU may have an integrated GPU, and pretty much everything else the designer wanted to keep close for performance, power and manufacturing considerations. CPU design is mostly trending in to what's called system on chip (SoC).


This is a "classic" design, used by most modern general-purpose devices (client PC, servers, and also tablet and smartphones). You can find more elaborate designs, usually in the academy, where the computations is not done in basic "core-like" units.


07-31 06:50