

我开始使用亚马逊MWS,我似乎无法看到正确的流量任何真实信息,列出项目作为现有的ASIN。比方说,比如我卖了Vulli苏菲长颈鹿咬牙。我做了一个初步的查找使用listMatchingProducts,并发现我的项目已经与ASINB000IDSLOG的存在。这是在这个过程中的下一个阶段?尤其是在这样一个场景,你已经知道你要的ASIN - 所有的事实,该产品原料是为了我们的SKU匹配亚马逊ASIN,但我从来没见过任何明确的信息,表明这实际上是怎样工作的文档会谈使用。

I'm getting started with Amazon MWS and I can't seem to see any real information on the correct flow for listing an item as an existing ASIN. Let's say for example I am selling a "Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether". I do an initial lookup using "listMatchingProducts" and find that my item already exists with the ASIN "B000IDSLOG". What is the next stage in the process?. All the documentation talks about the fact that the product feed is intended to match our SKU to the Amazon ASIN but i've not seen any definitive information to suggest how this actually works - especially in the scenario where you already know the ASIN you wish to use.


Ideally i'm interested in seeing the correct flow for each scenario (existing product for search found/not found) in terms of what API calls should be made in what order.




It seems in the case of adding a product with an existing ASIN you can actually send a very basic XML request such as this, making sure to include the ASIN:

<AmazonEnvelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amznenvelope.xsd">


Essentially though, from what i've read elsewhere it seems that Amazon will attempt to match a product to an existing ASIN according to the data within the _POST_PRODUCT_DATA_ feed even if an ASIN isn't provided. It will use elements such as title, manufacturer, brand, and other product specific information to compare that to their catalog and determine if it is an existing item or a new one to be added. If you do know it already has an ASIN though you can provide a very simple XML feed as shown above.


10-24 08:33