Is there a way to get Vagrant to display the output of the provisioning tool as it runs, rather than just at the end? I'm using the Ansible plugin if that matters.
Vagrant看起来像是运行整个 config.vm.provision
Vagrant appears to run the entire config.vm.provision
section collecting the output, only displaying it once everything has completed.
This causes problems such as when a step in the process hangs or when you want to have interactive steps that involve the user.
您可能想要将vagrant日志记录级别更改为调试,以便在执行provision = > VAGRANT_LOG = debug vagrant up --provision
You may want to change vagrant logging level to debug so as to see more output when it does the provision => VAGRANT_LOG=debug vagrant up --provision
这适用于Chef Solo(我没有试过Vagrant Ansible),配置部分的输出类似于具有调试( -l debug
This works for Chef Solo (I haven't tried Vagrant with Ansible), the output for the provisioning part is similar to running chef-solo with debug (-l debug
) log level.
对于Ansible提供者,自vagrant 1.3.2起添加了以下内容:
For Ansible provisioner, the following been added since vagrant 1.3.2:
- provisioners / ansible:支持更多详细级别,更好的文档。 [GH-2153]。
- provisioners/ansible: Support more verbosity levels, better documentation. [GH-2153].
See pull request 2153 for details, looks like the official doc has NOT been updated yet.
我想你应该能够添加 ansible.verbosity
I think you should be able to add ansible.verbosity
in the Vagrantfile to enable maximum verbosity level
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
ansible.playbook = "provisioning/playbook.yml"
ansible.verbose = "true"
ansible.verbosity = "-vvv"