


Is it possible in my css file to do something like that?:

   content:"click me";

我想在所有 myclass实例之后添加 CSS样式表中的可点击文本。

I want to add after all instances of myclass a clickable text, in the css style sheet.



HTML 可以控制数据。通过HTML指定任何CSS或JS。这是模型

HTML has control of the data within the webpage. Any CSS or JS is specified via the HTML. It's the Model.

CSS 可以控制样式,没有CSS与HTML或JavaScript之间的链接。这是视图

CSS has control of the styles, there is no link between CSS and HTML or JavaScript. It's the View.

JavaScript 可以控制网页中的互动,并具有到所有DOM节点的钩子。它是 Controller

JavaScript has control of the interactions within the webpage, and has hooks to any and all DOM nodes. It's the Controller.

由于此MVC结构:HTML属于 .html 文件,CSS属于 .css 文件,而JS属于 .js 文件。

Because of this MVC structure: HTML belongs in .html files, CSS belongs in .css files, and JS belongs in .js files.

CSS伪元素不会创建DOM节点。 JavaScript无法直接访问CSS中定义的伪元素,也无法将事件附加到所述伪元素。

CSS pseudo-elements do not create DOM nodes. There is no direct way for JavaScript to access a pseudo-element defined in CSS, and there's no way to attach an event to said pseudo-elements.


If you've got a set structure in place, and can't add the additional content necessary to produce new links within the HTML, JavaScript can dynamically add the new elements necessary which can then be styled via CSS.


jQuery makes this very simple:

$('<span class="click-me">click me</span>').appendTo('.myclass').click(my_function);


07-31 06:17