



我知道如何编写dll,如何编写服务以及如何使用 rundll32 运行dll,但是现在我想编写一个以Windows中的服务

I know how to write a dll and how to write a service and how to run a dll with rundll32, but now I want to write a dll that install as a service in windows


I don't know if that's possible or which function in dll should be exported?


How can I install and run a dll as a service?



There are a few different ways to run a DLL as a service. You can either:

  1. 编写自己的.exe服务,并根据需要加载DLL。这是推荐的方法。

  1. Write your own .exe service and have it load your DLL as needed. This is the recommended approach.

使用Microsoft的SVCHOST.EXE托管您的DLL。让您的DLL导出函数,将 ServiceDLL 值添加到服务的注册表项以指向您的DLL,将服务名称添加到SVCHOST的新组中注册表项,然后将 svchost -k< GroupName> 设置为服务的可执行文件。请参阅以下文章以了解更多详细信息:

Use Microsoft's SVCHOST.EXE to host your DLL. Have your DLL export a ServiceMain() function, add a ServiceDLL value to your service's Registry key to point at your DLL, add your service name to a new group in SVCHOST's Registry key, and then set svchost -k <GroupName> as the executable for your service. See these articles for more details:


Note, however, that MSDN's Service Programs documentation warns against this approach:

  • 将您的服务写为内核模式驱动程序会导出函数,并在指向DLL文件的服务的注册表项中添加 ServiceDLL 值。有关更多详细信息,请参见本文:

  • Write your service as a kernel-mode driver that exports a DriverEntry() function, and add a ServiceDLL value in your service's Registry key pointing at the DLL file. See this article for more details:


    I would not recommend this approach, unless you are designing your own hardware.


  • 07-31 05:52