我正在尝试使用reddit JSON API.有一些帖子数据对象包含一个称为edited的字段,如果该帖子尚未被编辑,则可能为布尔值false;如果该帖子已被编辑,则可能为timestamp int.
I'm trying to work with the reddit JSON API. There are post data objects that contain a field called edited which may contain a boolean false if the post hasn't been edited, or a timestamp int if the post was edited.
{ "edited": false, "title": "Title 1"}
{ "edited": false, "title": "Title 1"}
有时是一个int:{ "edited": 1234567890, "title": "Title 2"}
Sometimes an int:{ "edited": 1234567890, "title": "Title 2"}
当尝试解析POJO将字段设置为int的JSON时,出现错误:JsonDataException:期望为int但为BOOLEAN ...
When trying to parse the JSON where the POJO has the field set to int, I get an error: JsonDataException: Expected an int but was BOOLEAN...
How can I deal with this using Moshi?
I also ran into a similar problem where I had fields that were sometimes booleans, and sometimes ints. I wanted them to always be ints. Here's how I solved it with Moshi and kotlin:
- 制作新的注释,以将其用于将字段从boolean转换为int的
@Target(AnnotationTarget.FIELD, AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
annotation class ForceToInt
internal class ForceToIntJsonAdapter {
fun toJson(@ForceToInt i: Int): Int {
return i
fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader): Int {
return when (reader.peek()) {
JsonReader.Token.NUMBER -> reader.nextInt()
JsonReader.Token.BOOLEAN -> if (reader.nextBoolean()) 1 else 0
else -> {
reader.skipValue() // or throw
- 在您要强制进行int的字段上使用此注释:
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Discovery(
@Json(name = "id") val id: String = -1,
@ForceToInt @Json(name = "thanked") val thanked: Int = 0