本文介绍了将 ES6 模块导入全局范围的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



TLDR:如何使模块(通过 ES6 语法导入)具有全局范围(或​​在另一个类中引用导入的类)?

TLDR: How can I make a module (imported via ES6 syntax) globally scoped (or reference an imported class inside another class)?


I'm importing a module from a package which wasn't implemented properly (no export etc) but am running into some issues.

我正在做的是使用 var 将模块设置为全局(不是很好),例如

What I am doing is using var to set the module to global (not great) e.g.

var Example = require('./node_modules/example/long_path_to_file.js');

因为我需要在我的类中像这样使用它(模块控制 this 并且类实例在全局范围内不可用,所以我不能像往常一样使用我的类会):

As I need to use it like so in my class (the module takes control of this and class instances aren't available in the global scope so I can't use my class as I normally would):

new window.Example(...)

这有效,但不是很好,因为我使用的是 webpack 并且更喜欢使用正确的 es6 语法

This works but it isn't great as I'm using webpack and would prefer to use the proper es6 syntax

import Example from './example';

然后在 example.js

export default Example = require('./node_modules/example/long_path_to_file.js');


However this means it is no longer global scoped, and I'm unable to find a fix.

我尝试过诸如 window.Example = Example 之类的东西,但它不起作用.

I've tried things like window.Example = Example but it doesn't work.


如果您使用的是 webpack,设置它很容易.所以这是一个如何实现它的简单示例.

If you are using webpack it's easy to setup it. So here is a simple example how to implement it.


module.exports = {
  entry: 'test.js',
  output: {
    filename: 'bundle.js',
    path: 'home',
    library: 'home' // it assigns this module to the global (window) object



此外,如果您打开 bundle.js 文件,您将看到 webpack 是如何为您做到的.

Also if you open your bundle.js file you will see how webpack did it for you.

var home =  // main point
/*****/ (function(modules) blablabla)

另外我建议看看 webpack library 配置.

Also i suggest look at webpack library configuration.



这篇关于将 ES6 模块导入全局范围的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 12:04