I've been trying to setup a client server between a UWP app as the client and a .NET desktop app as the server. I'm using UDP Datagrams as the messaging system between the two.
Here my UWP code to listen for Datagrams on the localhost IP at port 22222:
private async void listenToServer()
// Setup UDP Listener
socketListener = new DatagramSocket();
socketListener.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
await socketListener.BindEndpointAsync(new HostName(""),"22222");
Debug.WriteLine("Listening: " + socketListener.Information.LocalAddress + " " + socketListener.Information.LocalPort);
private async void MessageReceived(DatagramSocket sender, DatagramSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs args)
// Interpret the incoming datagram's entire contents as a string.
uint stringLength = args.GetDataReader().UnconsumedBufferLength;
string receivedMessage = args.GetDataReader().ReadString(stringLength);
Debug.WriteLine("Received " + receivedMessage);
这是我的WinForm .NET桌面应用程序,用于在本地主机2222上发送数据报:
Here is my WinForm .NET desktop app to send Datagrams on localhost on port 2222:
public async void sendToClient()
// Setup UDP Talker
talker = new UdpClient();
sending_end_point = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 22222);
byte[] send_buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello!");
await talker.SendAsync(send_buffer, send_buffer.Length);
Here is what I've tried, and what I know from my troubleshooting:
从 UWP发送UDP数据报到.NET桌面正常
Sending a UDP datagram from UWP to .NET desktop works.
UWP code to send message to .NET desktop over localhost port 11111:
public async void sendToServer()
// Connect to the server
socketTalker = new DatagramSocket();
await socketTalker.ConnectAsync(new HostName(""), "11111");
Debug.WriteLine("Connected: " + socketTalker.Information.RemoteAddress + " " + socketTalker.Information.RemotePort);
// Setup Writer
writer = new DataWriter(socketTalker.OutputStream);
await writer.StoreAsync();
.NET desktop code to listen for message from UWP over same IP and port:
private async Task listenToClient()
// Setup listener
listener = new UdpClient(11111);
UdpReceiveResult receiveResult = await listener.ReceiveAsync();
Debug.WriteLine(" Received: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveResult.Buffer));
将UDP数据报从.NET桌面发送到UWP 可以在不同的IP(两台不同的计算机)上工作
我已经通过将侦听器和发话者IP地址设置为相同的IP地址来对此进行了测试服务器正在运行,并且可以正常工作。这项研究使我进入了#3 ...
I've tested this by setting the listener and talker IP addresses to the same IP address where the server was running, and it works flawlessly. This lead to research which got me to #3...
运行CheckNetIsolation.exe和环回免除工具以免除UWP应用受环回IP限制的影响,无法解决此问题。从我阅读的内容来看似乎没什么关系(),应该已经可以在Visual Studio环境中运行环回了,但无论如何我还是尝试了,但不走运。
Running CheckNetIsolation.exe and the Loopback exemption tool to exempt the UWP app from loopback IP restriction didn't fix this issue. It seems it shouldn't matter, from what I read (Problems with UDP in windows 10. UWP), running in the Visual Studio environment should already be exempt from loopback, but I tried anyways, and not luck.
As much as this sucks, it is blocked by Microsoft by design.
The best workaround you can do is to use TCP sockets and connect from the UWP app to your desktop app (not the other way around).