


我是SASS的新手,我已按照您的指示发布在SQL Server Analysis Services中创建第一个OLAP多维数据集



Hi Mubin,

I'm new to SASS and I have followed your instruction your post Create First OLAP Cube in SQL Server Analysis Services.
I have done everything right and getting cleared path till the Cube Process.
But when i run it i get the list of error which i mentioned as below.




OLE DB错误:OLE DB或ODBC错误:用户'[email protected]'登录失败。 28000.

高级关系引擎中的错误。无法使用DataSourceID为'Sales DW','Sales DW'的名称与数据源建立连接。

OLAP存储引擎中的错误:维度发生错误,正在处理Dim Product的ID,Dim Product的名称。

OLAP存储引擎中的错误:Dim Product维度的Product Name属性发生错误正在处理'SalesDataAnalysis'数据库。


OLE DB错误:OLE DB或ODBC错误:用户'[email protected]'登录失败。 28000.

高级关系引擎中的错误。无法使用DataSourceID为'Sales DW','Sales DW'的名称与数据源建立连接。

OLAP存储引擎中的错误:维度发生错误,正在处理Dim Product的ID,Dim Product的名称。

OLAP存储引擎中的错误:Dim Product维度的Product Actual Cost属性发生错误来自'SalesDataAnalysis'数据库正在处理。

Errors and Warnings from Response
Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user '[email protected]'.; 28000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Sales DW', Name of 'Sales DW'.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Dim Product', Name of 'Dim Product' was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Product Name' attribute of the 'Dim Product' dimension from the 'SalesDataAnalysis' database was being processed.
Server: The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user '[email protected]'.; 28000.
Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Sales DW', Name of 'Sales DW'.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'Dim Product', Name of 'Dim Product' was being processed.
Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Product Actual Cost' attribute of the 'Dim Product' dimension from the 'SalesDataAnalysis' database was being processed.



What I have tried:

I have tried to find the error on google but couldnt get anything then i use your scripted (you mentioned on the post) and created all over again ,but it is not working either.



08-31 06:10