




The Conditional Attribute in .NET allows you to disable the invocation of methods at compile time. I am looking for basically the same exact thing, but at run time. I feel like something like this should exist in AOP frameworks, but I don't know the name so I am having trouble figuring out if it is supported.


So as an example I'd like to do something like this

public static void M() {
   Console.WriteLine("Executed Class1.M");


//Determines if a method should execute.
public bool RuntimeConditional(string[] conditions) {
    bool shouldExecute = conditions[0] == "Bob";

    return shouldExecute;

因此在代码中的任何地方都可以调用 M 方法,它将首先调用 RuntimeConditional 并传入 Bob 以确定是否 M 应被执行.

So where ever in code there is a call to the M method, it would first call RuntimeConditional and pass in Bob to determine if M should be executed.


您实际上可以使用 PostSharp 来做你想做的.

You can actually use PostSharp to do what you want.


Here's a simple example you can use:

public class RuntimeConditional : OnMethodInvocationAspect
    private string[] _conditions;

    public RuntimeConditional(params string[] conditions)
        _conditions = conditions;

    public override void OnInvocation(MethodInvocationEventArgs eventArgs)
        if (_conditions[0] == "Bob") // do whatever check you want here


Or, since you're just looking at "before" the method executes, you can use the OnMethodBoundaryAspect:

public class RuntimeConditional : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
    private string[] _conditions;

    public RuntimeConditional(params string[] conditions)
        _conditions = conditions;

    public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionEventArgs eventArgs)
        if (_conditions[0] != "Bob")
            eventArgs.FlowBehavior = FlowBehavior.Return; // return immediately without executing

如果您的方法具有返回值,那么您也可以处理它们. eventArgs具有可设置的returnValue属性.

If your methods have return values, you can deal with them too. eventArgs has a returnValue property that is settable.


07-31 04:32