当我们在窗口10上运行我的应用程序时,它会在2或3秒钟后刷新或(闪烁).我们正在使用CefSharp.Wpf 49.0.1版本.另外,我们在项目中使用的是现代ui,因此,当我们按Backspace键,然后将其发送到上一个 用户控制.我们可以解决这个问题吗?
When we are running my application on the window 10 then it's refreshing or (glitching) after 2 or 3 second. We are using CefSharp.Wpf 49.0.1 Version. And also we are using modern ui in my project so when we press backspace key then its sending on previous user control. we can fix this?
如果您有与CefSharp相关的任何问题,则应联系该库的作者.请参考联系方式" GitHub上的会话以获取更多信息: https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp
If you have any issues that are related to CefSharp, you should contact the authors of this library. Please refer to the "Contact" session on GitHub for more information:https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp
The same applies to ModernUI: https://github.com/firstfloorsoftware/mui/issues
Please remember to close your threads by marking helpful posts as answer and then start a new thread in an appropriate forum if you have a new question. Please don't ask several questions in the same thread.
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