您好,我正在尝试在 Prolog 中编写一个程序,给定一个列表,它计算列表中每个连续元素的出现次数,如下所示:
结果将是 X=[ [1,3],[2,3],[3,1][1,2] ]
也就是每个子列表是 [element,occurrences]
% 将一个元素添加到列表中追加([],Y,Y).附加([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Zs]):-附加(Xs,Ys,Zs).%c 是以 0 开头的计数器数数(_,[],_,[]).计数(X,[X],C,[L]):-计数(X,[],C,[L|[X,C]]).%增加计数器count(X,[X|Tail],C,L):-Z 是 C+1,count(X,Tail,Z,L).count(X,[Head|Tail],C,[L]):-append(L,[X,C],NL),count(Head,Tail,1,NL).
这是另一个尝试运行长度编码的方法,基于 clpfd!
:- 使用模块(库(clpfd)).基于 if_/3
和 (=)/3
编码/解码 #1
?- list_rle([a,a,b,c,c,c,d,e,e],Ys).Ys = [2*a,1*b,3*c,1*d,2*e].?- list_rle(Xs,[2*a,1*b,3*c,1*d,2*e]).Xs = [a,a,b,c,c,c,d,e,e];错误的.编码/解码#2
?- dif(A,B),dif(B,C),dif(C,D),dif(D,E), list_rle([A,A,B,C,C,C,D,E,E],是).Ys = [2*A,1*B,3*C,1*D,2*E],dif(A,B),dif(B,C),dif(C,D),dif(D,E).?- list_rle(Xs,[2*A,1*B,3*C,1*D,2*E]).Xs = [A,A,B,C,C,C,D,E,E], dif(A,B), dif(B,C), dif(C,D), dif(D,E);错误的.更一般的东西怎么样?
?- list_rle([A,B,C,D],Xs).Xs = [4*A],A=B,B=C,C=D;Xs = [3*A, 1*D], A=B, B=C, dif(C,D);Xs = [2*A, 2*C], A=B, dif(B,C), C=D;Xs = [2*A, 1*C,1*D], A=B , dif(B,C), dif(C,D);Xs = [1*A,3*B], dif(A,B), B=C, C=D;Xs = [1*A,2*B, 1*D], dif(A,B), B=C , dif(C,D);Xs = [1*A,1*B,2*C],dif(A,B),dif(B,C),C=D;Xs = [1*A,1*B,1*C,1*D],dif(A,B),dif(B,C),dif(C,D).
Hello I am trying to make a program in Prolog that given a list it counts the occurrences of each successive element in the list as follows:
the result would be X=[ [1,3],[2,3],[3,1][1,2] ]
aka each sublist is [element,occurrences]
In my case i believe there is something wrong with the base case but I cannot solve it. Can you help me?
%append an element to a list
append([ ],Y,Y).
%c is the counter beginning with 0
%increase counter
count(X,[X|Tail],C,L):-Z is C+1,count(X,Tail,Z,L).
Here's another try of doing run-length encoding, based on clpfd!
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
Based on if_/3
and (=)/3
, we define list_rle/2
list_rle([],[]). list_rle([X|Xs],[N*X|Ps]) :- list_count_prev_runs(Xs,N,X,Ps). list_count_prev_runs(Es,N,X,Ps) :- N #> 0, N #= N0+1, list_count_prev_runs_(Es,N0,X,Ps). list_count_prev_runs_([],0,_,[]). list_count_prev_runs_([E|Es],N,X,Ps0) :- if_(X=E, list_count_prev_runs(Es,N,X,Ps0), (N = 0, Ps0 = [M*E|Ps], list_count_prev_runs(Es,M,E,Ps))).
Sample queries:
encode/decode #1
?- list_rle([a,a,b,c,c,c,d,e,e],Ys). Ys = [2*a,1*b,3*c,1*d,2*e]. ?- list_rle(Xs,[2*a,1*b,3*c,1*d,2*e]). Xs = [a,a,b,c,c,c,d,e,e] ; false.
encode/decode #2
?- dif(A,B),dif(B,C),dif(C,D),dif(D,E), list_rle([A,A,B,C,C,C,D,E,E],Ys). Ys = [2*A,1*B,3*C,1*D,2*E], dif(A,B), dif(B,C), dif(C,D), dif(D,E). ?- list_rle(Xs,[2*A,1*B,3*C,1*D,2*E]). Xs = [A,A,B,C,C,C,D,E,E], dif(A,B), dif(B,C), dif(C,D), dif(D,E) ; false.
How about something a little more general?
?- list_rle([A,B,C,D],Xs). Xs = [4*A ], A=B , B=C , C=D ; Xs = [3*A, 1*D], A=B , B=C , dif(C,D) ; Xs = [2*A, 2*C ], A=B , dif(B,C), C=D ; Xs = [2*A, 1*C,1*D], A=B , dif(B,C), dif(C,D) ; Xs = [1*A,3*B ], dif(A,B), B=C , C=D ; Xs = [1*A,2*B, 1*D], dif(A,B), B=C , dif(C,D) ; Xs = [1*A,1*B,2*C ], dif(A,B), dif(B,C), C=D ; Xs = [1*A,1*B,1*C,1*D], dif(A,B), dif(B,C), dif(C,D).