本文介绍了与Netbeans 7.1和Glassfish 3.1.1进行热插拔的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



一些细节: p>

- Maven war应用程序。

$ b 2 - 在保存时编译:用于应用程序和测试执行。 >

- Java调试器:保存后应用代码更改。 使用 使用 JPDA在NetBeans / GlassFish环境中的热插拔功能,您需要关闭NetBeans的'Deploy on save'功能。

可以配置此功能每个项目的基础上,所以它出现在项目的属性对话框中。 UI人员认为,部署比编译项目更多的是运行项目的一部分。打开和关闭功能的控件位于运行属性中。


I usually start the AS in debug mode so that I can use hot swap.But how can I get that if whenever I change a configuration or java file Netbeans sends it to Glassfish and automatically redeploys my application?

Some details:

1 - Maven war application.

2 - Compile on Save: for both application and test execution.

3 - Java Debugger: Apply code changes after save.


To use the hot-swap capabilities of JPDA in a NetBeans/GlassFish environment, you need to turn off the 'Deploy on save' feature of NetBeans.

This feature can be configured on a per project basis, so it appears in the project's Properties dialog. The UI folks felt that deployment was more a part of running the project than compiling the project. The control that turns the feature on and off is in the 'Run' properties.

You may also notice that the project is running in Debug mode and the apply code changed tool is enabled. It is the icon directly under the string 'IDE' at the top of the screenshot.

这篇关于与Netbeans 7.1和Glassfish 3.1.1进行热插拔的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-21 00:15