

这个问题真的使我感到困惑;我们给了两个整数 A B ,我们要计算出现在 [A,B] 范围内的数字.我可以说,如果我们可以计算在 [0,A] [0,B] 范围内的数字出现次数,那么其余的就不那么重要了.那么,如何计算在 [0,x] 范围内的数字出现次数呢?这不是功课,这实际上是SPOJ的问题.天真的方法行不通,因为A和B可能高达10 ^9.下面是一些示例:

This problem is really confusing me; we're given two integers A, B, we want to count occurrences of digits in the range [A, B]. I though that if we could count the number of digit occurrences in the range [0, A] and [0, B], then the rest is trivial. So how can I count digit occurrences in a range [0, x]?This isn't homework, this is actually a problem from SPOJ.The naive approach won't work, as A and B can be as large as 10 ^ 9. Here are some examples:


1 10


1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


44 497


85 185 185 185 190 96 96 96 95 93

85 185 185 185 190 96 96 96 95 93



I would try the brute force approach first to get something working. Look at each number, iterate through each character in the string representation of that number, etc.


However, there is an easier way.

  • 在间隔[0,9]中,出现3次1次
  • 在时间间隔[0,99]中,第3位出现10次,第二位出现10次
  • 在时间间隔[0,999]中,第3位出现100次,第二位出现100次,第3位出现100次.


You can generalize this and with a bit of effort come up with a formula for how many of a certain digit (0 being a possible special case) will appear in a certain range. You don't need to actually go through each number.


07-31 03:37