


Noticed in a full application, but fully reproducable in a simple demo:


I've got a MenuStrip containing three menus, A, B, and C. Each of these menus contains three items, A1/A2/.../C2/C3.


When I press , the first menu A becomes selected. I can then use the and keys to select other menus. That is as it should be.


However, when I press to open a menu, I can still use and to select other menus, but the order is reversed: selects the next menu, and the previous.


I'm having trouble figuring out if something is wrong with my local system, if this is a bug in the MenuStrip component, or if I am forgetting to set a required property. All three seem strange to me, because in all three cases I would expect someone to have encountered this problem already, and I cannot even find anyone else asking about this.


If it's not clear what I'm asking, here is an image:


And before I forget to mention, there is no relevant code. This demo application is a brand new WinForms project, has one MenuStrip control added to its default form, and has got three menus with three items each, for each of which I have set nothing more than the text.



This is a bug/misfeature in MenuStrip.

使用Reflector查看ToolStripDropDown.ProcessArrowKey实现会显示箭头键取决于SystemInformation.RightAlignedMenus的方向相反.那是不对的. 应该取决于菜单栏本身的从右到左模式,有时(通常是?)可以匹配SystemInformation.RightAlignedMenus,但并不总是如此,而不是在我的系统上.

Looking at the ToolStripDropDown.ProcessArrowKey implementation with Reflector shows that the arrow keys get reversed depending on SystemInformation.RightAlignedMenus. That's not right. It should depend on the right-to-left mode of the menu strip itself, which may sometimes (usually?) match SystemInformation.RightAlignedMenus, but not always, and not on my system.

SystemInformation.RightAlignedMenus是用户可通过控制面板","Tablet PC设置",其他",惯用性"进行配置的,实际上,如果将其更改为惯用左手",则菜单将正常运行.我的默认正确设置是惯用右手.由于MenuStrip组件在系统上根本无法在键盘上使用,因此我将其替换为标准的MainMenu组件.

SystemInformation.RightAlignedMenus is user-configurable via Control Panel, Tablet PC Settings, Other, Handedness, and indeed if I change that to Left-handed, I get the menus to behave correctly. The default and correct setting for me is Right-handed. Since the MenuStrip component is simply not keyboard-usable on my system, I will replace my use of it with a standard MainMenu component.

更新:我实际上是在使用派生控件来提供漂亮的菜单图像.它基于视觉样式菜单"上的Microsoft示例. 带有C#图标的Vista菜单,但这比我所需的更为复杂.

Update: I'm actually using a derived control to be able to provide nice menu images. It is based on the Microsoft sample on "Visual Style Menus". A more fully-featured implementation that also works on Windows XP and prior (in that case using owner-drawn menus) is available at Vista Menu with Icons in C#, but that is more complicated than necessary for me.


07-31 03:20