

本文介绍了JSON遗漏了Infinity和NaN; ECMAScript中的JSON状态?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


知道为什么JSON遗漏了NaN和+/- Infinity?如果它们包含NaN或+/-无穷大值,它会将Javascript放在奇怪的情况下,否则可以序列化的对象不会。

Any idea why JSON left out NaN and +/- Infinity? It puts Javascript in the strange situation where objects that would otherwise be serializable, are not, if they contain NaN or +/- infinity values.


Looks like this has been cast in stone: see RFC4627 and ECMA-262 (section 24.3.2, JSON.stringify, NOTE 4, page 507 at last edit):


Infinity NaN 不是关键字或任何特殊的东西,它们只是全局对象的属性(因为 undefined ),因此可以更改。出于这个原因,JSON不在规范中包含它们 - 本质上,如果你执行 eval(jsonString)或者 JSON.parse(jsonString)。

Infinity and NaN aren't keywords or anything special, they are just properties on the global object (as is undefined) and as such can be changed. It's for that reason JSON doesn't include them in the spec -- in essence any true JSON string should have the same result in EcmaScript if you do eval(jsonString) or JSON.parse(jsonString).


If it were allowed then someone could inject code akin to

NaN={valueOf:function(){ do evil }};
Infinity={valueOf:function(){ do evil }};


into a forum (or whatever) and then any json usage on that site could be compromised.

这篇关于JSON遗漏了Infinity和NaN; ECMAScript中的JSON状态?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 03:08