关于如何使用ggplot创建"type = b"外观存在一些问题(例如这里和这里)当前最好的解决方案是简单地在底层背景的颜色中创建较大的点-公认非常简单.我正在寻找使用geom_segment
的解决方案-因为当前的解决方案不允许额外的幻想",尤其是:错误带.请参阅底部的图. (我知道我可以使用行作为置信区间,这看起来不错,但是问题在于下面的问题)
There are a few questions around how to create a 'type = b' look with ggplot (e.g. here and here)The currently best solution is simply creating bigger dots in the color of the underlying background - which is admittedly very straight forward.I am looking for a solution with geom_segment
- because the current solution does not allow for additional 'fanciness', in particular: error bands. See graph at the bottom. (I know that I can use lines for the confidence intervals, and this looks good, but the question is regarding the below)
I have made a simple function using basic trigonometry in order to calculate x and y for the segments in geom_segment
(see below - thanks to @moody_mudskipper to give the main ideas how to approach this). Now, this only works with coord_equal
(see below). My question is, how can I obtain the axis ratio from the plot which is created in order to use this ratio for calculation of the x/y segments?
# function to get data frame with x and y parameters for geom_segment
get_segments <- function(df, x, y, param){
# hyp = hypotenuse of right triangle between x and y of dot plot
# sin_plot and cos_plot = sine and cosine of right triangle of dot plot
# diff_..._seg = hypotenuse of segment added to main dot plot
x <- df[[deparse(substitute(x))]]
y <- df[[deparse(substitute(y))]]
hyp <-sqrt(diff(x)^2 + diff(y)^2)
sin_plot <- diff(y) / hyp
cos_plot <- diff(x) / hyp
diff_x1_seg <- param * cos_plot
diff_x2_seg <- (hyp-param) * cos_plot
diff_y1_seg <- param * sin_plot
diff_y2_seg <- (hyp-param) * sin_plot
x1 <- c(head(x,-1) + diff_x1_seg)
x2 <- c(head(x,-1) + diff_x2_seg)
y1 <- c(head(y,-1) + diff_y1_seg)
y2 <- c(head(y,-1) + diff_y2_seg)
plot_data <- data.frame(x1,x2,y1,y2)
plot_data$x1 <- ifelse(plot_data$x1 > plot_data$x2, NA, x1)
# Using the function on sample data
plot_data <-
get_segments(pressure, x = temperature, y = pressure, 15)
# Making the plot
p1 <- ggplot(pressure, aes(temperature, pressure)) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(data = plot_data, mapping = aes(x = x1, xend = x2, y = y1, yend = y2))
Plot without coord_equal
- does not really work
#> Warning: Removed 11 rows containing missing values (geom_segment).
Plot with coord_equal
- gives the right segments
p1 + coord_equal()
#> Warning: Removed 11 rows containing missing values (geom_segment).
ggplot(pressure, aes(temperature, pressure)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = pressure - 50, ymax = pressure + 50), alpha = 0.2) +
geom_point() +
geom_segment(data = plot_data, mapping = aes(x = x1, xend = x2, y = y1, yend = y2))
#> Warning: Removed 11 rows containing missing values (geom_segment).
P.S. I know that I could just plot the ribbon above the plot, but this gets less nice when using different grey values. And again, this question is more about how to get the axis ratio...
好吧,除非您使用例如theme(aspect.ratio ...)
Well, unless you manually set the axis ratio with for example theme(aspect.ratio ...)
, or coord_fixed()
you can't, since the plots adjust their positioning based on the size of the device.
To check this, you can make your plot into a gtable by ggplotGrob(myplot)
and look at the layout what graphical object is the panel.
g <- ggplot(pressure, aes(temperature, pressure)) +
grobs <- ggplotGrob(g)
In that layout you can see the t (top) and l (left) position of the panel.
t l b r z clip name
18 1 1 12 9 0 on background
1 6 4 6 4 5 off spacer
2 7 4 7 4 7 off axis-l
3 8 4 8 4 3 off spacer
4 6 5 6 5 6 off axis-t
5 7 5 7 5 1 on panel
You can see above that the panel is the sixth grob in the list and has position 7 of the heights and position 5 of the widths.
[1] 1null
[1] 1null
The height and width of panels are usually defined in null
units, which is a special unit that kind of tells the graphics device to calculate all other elements first and use the leftover space to place the null
-sized graphical elements.
单位之间的比率应为1:1还是自由.当存在已知的宽高比时,或通过facet_grid(space = ..., scale = ...)
参数将此参数设置为true.如果为respect == TRUE
Furthermore, the plot has a respect
parameter that tells the graphics device wether the ratio between null
units should be 1:1 or are free. This parameters is set to true when there is a known aspect ratio, or by facet_grid(space = ..., scale = ...)
parameters. If respect == TRUE
, then a grob with a height of 2null
and a width of 1null
will have an aspect ratio of 2.
I don't want to leave you with all bad news so I'm gonna point out that you can also use these widths and heights in the gtable to set them to your liking.
grobs$widths[5] <- unit(2, "cm")
grobs$heights[7] <- unit(5, "cm")
grid.newpage(); grid.draw(grobs)
这可以帮助您绘制出完美的type = b
Which could help you plot the perfect type = b
style plots.
).似乎朝着正确方向的事情是,将您命名为hyp - param
的内容转换为与unit(hyp, "npc") - convertUnit(unit(param, "mm"), "npc", axisFrom = "y", typeFrom = "dimension")
Off-topic but tangentially related, back at your previous question I also had a go at making the geometric interpretation of the plot (wasn't succesfull so didn't post it), without the point over point trick. I also had a lot of trouble with the aspect ratio, since the exact placing of the points changed on the device size. Under the hood, the grid package that makes graphical objects (grobs) by default use normalised parent coordinates (npc, see ?unit
). A thing that seemed to be pointing in the right direction was converting what you named hyp - param
with the equivalent of unit(hyp, "npc") - convertUnit(unit(param, "mm"), "npc", axisFrom = "y", typeFrom = "dimension")
(for the y-axis, I was already working with npc
units for my coordinates). Now I wasn't able to implement this properly, but maybe it would help you get some ideas.
这篇关于使用geom_segment在ggplot中绘制'type = b'-将参数调整为轴比的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!