


Here consider the following sample of code:

int *a = malloc(sizeof(int) * n);


Can this code be used to define an array a containing n integers?


int *a = malloc(sizeof(int) * n);


That depends on what you mean by "define an array".


int arr[10];


defines a named array object. Your pointer declaration and initialization does not.

但是,malloc调用( if 成功,并返回非NULL结果, if n > 0)将创建一个匿名数组对象在运行时.

However, the malloc call (if it succeeds and returns a non-NULL result, and if n > 0) will create an anonymous array object at run time.

但是它不会定义数组a". a pointer 对象的名称.假设malloc调用成功,则a将指向数组对象的初始元素,但它本身不是数组.

But it does not "define an array a". a is the name of a pointer object. Given that the malloc call succeeds, a will point to the initial element of an array object, but it is not itself an array.


Note that, since the array object is anonymous, there's nothing to which you can apply sizeof, and no way to retrieve the size of the array object from the pointer. If you need to know how big the array is, you'll need to keep track of it yourself.

(一些评论建议malloc调用分配的内存可以容纳n整数对象,但不能容纳数组.如果是这种情况,那么您将无法访问创建的数组对象.请参见 N1570 6.5. 6p8用于定义指针添加,而7.22.3p1用于描述malloc调用如何创建可访问数组.)

(Some of the comments suggest that the malloc call allocates memory that can hold n integer objects, but not an array. If that were the case, then you wouldn't be able to access the elements of the created array object. See N1570 6.5.6p8 for the definition of pointer addition, and 7.22.3p1 for the description of how a malloc call can create an accessible array.)


07-31 01:57