




I am developing an mobile application which can be run on mobile devices (with OS like Android, iOS, WP7...). This application will get data from online database then store them to local database in device and I can do CRUD with data. There are three ideas:

  1. 我将创建一个Web服务来处理主机上的数据库,并使用一些跨平台框架构建应用程序,然后连接到webservice以获取和将数据放到服务器。问题:

  1. I'll create a webservice to handle with database on host and use some cross-platform framework to building an app then connect to webservice in order to get and put data to server. Issues:

  • 我应该使用哪种技术来创建webservice? (RESTful / SOAP ...?)

  • 哪种类型的返回数据易于处理? (XML / JSON ...?)

  • 如何在主机上的本地数据库和数据库之间同步?


I'll make an application for loading an external URL and build a website (with all of features that I need to work with database). Issues:

  • iOS,Android,WP7 ...接受在应用程式中加载外部网址吗?


I'll make an application using cross-platform framework and it will work with local database. I just handle syncing between local database and host database. Issue: which is the best database and best framework to do this?



How to sync between local database and database on host?


For synchronization, you can take a look at the open source project, OpenMobster's Sync service. You can do all types of sync operations

  • 双向

  • li>
  • 单向设备

  • 启动。


Besides that, all modifications are automatically tracked and synced with the Cloud. You can have your app offline when network connection is down. It will track any changes and automatically in the background synchronize it with the cloud when the connection returns. Also, when new data is created in the Cloud, it is automatically synchronized with the local database using Push notifications.


Currently only native development is supported on Android and iOS. However, the next release which is 2.2-M8 (end of March) will support end-to-end integration with PhoneGap on Android and 2.2-M9 (end of April) will add iOS.


Support for PhoneGap will give you the flexibility to build the app using web technologies like HTML5, and JavaScript along with Sync for your local data using OpenMobster.


If you want to go pure native, then you still can use the Sync service and synchronize your local database with your remote database.


Let me know if you have more questions about the framework


Here is a link to the open source project: http://openmobster.googlecode.com



07-31 01:35