


I updated Ninject.MVC3 package from to Before I had access to the Kernel object through BootStrapper.Kernel property but in the new version Kernel property is marked as obsolete. I get a warning saying


'Public ReadOnly Property Kernel As Ninject.IKernel' is obsolete: 'Do not use Ninject as Service Locator'.


Is there a different way to access the kernel in the new version?



The reason why this has been marked Obsolete and will be changed to internal in future is that people tend to use Ninject as a service locator if it is possible to do so. But Service Locator is an antipattern that should not be used. And as we don't want to provide functionality that helps building badly designed software it will be removed in future.


If this needs a lot of changes in your code this is sign that your code is suffering from this malaise Dependency Injection wise and you really should change it to a better design.

  1. 限制内核到mimimum您的访问。有一个在MVC几乎没有任何情况下,你需要比普通的构造函数注入以外的东西。因此,我的第一个建议是重构构造函数注入在可能的情况。

  2. 对于这些,你需要内核访问创建其他对象,你应该注入一个工厂需要新的实例类,注入内核到这个工厂(非常罕见的情况下,如果构造函数有一个内核参数,它会收到实例做注射)。

  1. Limit your access to the kernel to a mimimum. There is almost no situation in MVC where you need something other than plain constructor injection. Therefore my first advice is to refactor to constructor injection where possible.
  2. For these very rare cases where you need access to the kernel to create other objects you should inject a factory to the class that needs the new instance and inject the kernel into this factory (if the Constructor has a Kernel parameter, it'll receive the instance doing the injecting).


If you really want to stay with service locator even if almost everyone will tell you not to, you will have to keep a static reference yourself.


08-28 05:20