I have a string which you can is like:
Now, in this string, I do have an json object in which from back-end all the start and end offsets of string which I have to highlight.
Now, for highlighting I am using following logic:
$scope.highlightHTML = function(content, startoffset, endoffset) {
var className = 'mark';
console.log(content.substring(startoffset, endoffset));
return content.replace(content.substring(startoffset, endoffset), '<span class="' + className + '">$&</span>');
Here content is the given string and start and end are the endoffsets of the highlighting string.
Now, while calling this:
jsonDataArray.forEach(function(item) {
responseData = $scope.highlightHTML(responseData, item.startOffset, item.endOffset, item.color);
$rootScope.data.htmlDocument = responseData.replace(/\n/g, "</br>");
Here consider responseData is the string which I provided in the question. From this I am calling the highlighthtml function.
这里的问题是我用span标签替换了字符串.现在,循环中发生的事情是,当首先让我们在数组中说出要突出显示的第一个值是the printing and typesetting industry.
Here the problem is that I am replacing the string with the span tags. Now what happens in loop is that when first lets say in array first value to highlight is the printing and typesetting industry.
. So, offsets of this I get from the backend. Now, it will highlight that by replacing with the spans.
现在,当在数组中获取第二个值时,假设a galley of type and scrambled it
Now, when in array for second value, let's say a galley of type and scrambled it
I get offsets but when it goes in highlight function then it is not getting the exact string because we have changed that string just by adding the span so now the offsets are changed for that string. So, because of this I am not able to highlight the proper words.
You could go through you replacements from back to front by using a reversed loop to ensure the offsets of the elements, which aren't precessed yet aren't changed in the loop.
I added the sorting method as well, if you aren't sure if your data is in the correct order.
$scope.highlightHTML = function(content, startoffset, endoffset) {
var className = 'mark';
console.log(content.substring(startoffset, endoffset));
return content.replace(content.substring(startoffset, endoffset), '<span class="' + className + '">$&</span>');
//Only if you don't know if they are in the correct order:
jsonDataArray = jsonDataArray.sort((a, b) => a.startOffset - b.startOffset);
for (var i = jsonDataArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const item = jsonDataArray[i];
responseData = $scope.highlightHTML(responseData, item.startOffset, item.endOffset, item.color);
$rootScope.data.htmlDocument = responseData.replace(/\n/g, "</br>");