

本文介绍了SQL 开发人员优化连接视图的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I searched about this on google and so, but could not find a solution:

我正在使用多个模式和数据库连接为 Oracle SQL 开发人员工作.假设我有连接 1,其中包含架构 1 和表 1.然后我有连接 2,其中包含架构 2 和表 2,依此类推...

I am working on Oracle SQL developer using multiple schemas and database connections. Lets say i have connection 1 which has schema 1 and table 1. Then i have connection 2, which has schema 2 and table 2, and so on...

我必须时不时地在表 1 和表 2 中查找信息,......等等......这意味着在我的小笔记本电脑屏幕上进行大量导航、滚动等.如果有一种方法可以隐藏不需要的模式对象,那将使生活变得更加轻松.例如,我只需要处理表格,不需要视图、过程、索引、触发器等可见(在左侧菜单 - > 在连接下) - 这将减少滚动很多,希望我会能够在单个视图中查看连接 1 下的表和连接 2 下的表(无需滚动).有没有办法从视图中删除这些不需要的对象?

Every now and then i have to lookup information in table 1 then table2, .... and so on... which means a lot of navigation, scrolling etc. on my small laptop screen. it would make the life much easier if there was a way to hide the unwanted schema objects. For example, i only need to work with tables, don't need views, procedures, Indexes, Triggers etc. to be visible (on the left hand menu-> under connections) - that will reduce the scrolling a lot and hopefully i would be able to see tables under connection 1 and tables under connection 2 in single view(without scrolling). Is there a way to remove these unwanted objects from the view?

对不起,如果这听起来像一个愚蠢的问题,但我不精通 SQL 开发人员,因此非常感谢任何帮助.谢谢!

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but i am not SQL-developer-savvy, so any help is greatly appreciated. thanks!






enable the feature on the right bottom, then uncheck what you don't want to browse

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07-31 00:53