

本文介绍了在oracle 11g中收缩永久表空间的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要在oracle 11g中缩小表空间.它不是临时表空间,我不能丢失该表空间中的数据.我的其他表空间之一空间不足,因此我不得不重新分配该表空间的剩余大小.收缩不适用于永久表空间.数据文件的当前大小为1150MB,我希望为256MB

I need to shrink a tablespace in oracle 11g. It is not a temporary table-space, I cant lose the data in that tablespace. One of my other tablespaces is out of space so I have to reallocate the remaining size of this tablespace. shrink does not work on a permanent tablespace. The current size of the datafile is 1150MB and I want it to be 256MB



You can resize the file, thus:-

ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/your/path/your_file01.dbf' RESIZE 256M;


of course if you already used some space above 256M then you will get an error

ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value


Then you can use this query to see the smallest size you can resize the datafile:

SELECT  CEIL((NVL(e.hwm, 1) * 8192)/1024/1024) as "Mb"
    dba_data_files f
JOIN    (SELECT file_id, max(block_id + blocks - 1) hwm FROM dba_extents GROUP BY file_id) e ON f.file_id = e.file_id
    f.file_name = '/your/path/your_file01.dbf'


*If your tablespace block size is not 8192 then change that value first. Also note that the query will take a long time to run - this is normal - alternatively you can just use the trial and error technique favoured by many and resize it a bit at a time until it errors out.

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07-31 00:50