

本文介绍了在SQLAlchemy中是否有一个LISTAGG WITHIN GROUP等效项?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Here is a simple Oracle table:

|   food    | person  |
| pizza     | Adam    |
| pizza     | Bob     |
| pizza     | Charles |
| ice cream | Donald  |
| hamburger | Emma    |
| hamburger | Frank   |


And here are the results of an aggregated SELECT I'd like to do:

|   food    |      people      |
| hamburger | Emma,Frank       |
| ice cream | Donald           |
| pizza     | Adam,Bob,Charles |

使用Oracle 11g +,使用LISTAGG可以轻松实现:

With Oracle 11g+ this is easy enough with a LISTAGG:

SELECT food, LISTAGG (person, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY person) AS people
FROM mytable
GROUP BY food;


But I haven't been able to find a way to do this within SQLAlchemy. An old question from Stack Overflow shows where someone was trying to implement a custom class to do the job, but is that really the best option there is?


MySQL has a group_concat feature, and thus this questioner solved his problem with func.group_concat(...). Sadly that function is not available within Oracle.


版本1.1 您可以使用 FunctionElement.within_group(*order_by) :

Beginning from version 1.1 you can use FunctionElement.within_group(*order_by):

In [7]: func.listagg(column('person'), ',').within_group(column('person'))
Out[7]: <sqlalchemy.sql.elements.WithinGroup object at 0x7f2870c83080>

In [8]: print(_.compile(dialect=oracle.dialect()))
listagg(person, :listagg_1) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY person)

这篇关于在SQLAlchemy中是否有一个LISTAGG WITHIN GROUP等效项?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-31 00:42