我只是在尝试 ClojureScript,首先将我在 Clojure 中编写的内容转换为 cljx.
I'm just trying out ClojureScript, starting out by converting something I wrote in Clojure into cljx.
When I try to compile it I get:
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: :refer must be followed by a sequence of symbols in :require
我在网上找到了一些间接引用,但没有任何地方说明我是否应该能够在 ClojureScript 程序中使用 :refer :all
I'm finding some oblique references online, but nowhere where it's spelled out whether I should be able to use a :refer :all
in a ClojureScript program.
If I can't do it, what's the reason for this restriction?
不,这是故意不可能的.最近在 ClojureScript 邮件列表上有一个对话:refer :all
No, it's intentionally not possible. There was a conversation on the ClojureScript mailing list recently related to :refer :all
and it looks like it will never be supported.
引用来自该线程的 David Nolen:
To quote David Nolen from that thread:
这只是糟糕的风格,据我所知,它没有的唯一原因Clojure 的变化是因为核心团队非常坚持尽可能保持向后兼容性.明显的不足的 : 在 ClojureScript 中使用是有意的.
这篇关于是否可以在 ClojureScript :require 中使用 :refer :all ?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!