



#include <iostream>

class Foo
    int val_;
    Foo(std::initializer_list<Foo> il)
        std::cout << "initializer_list ctor" << std::endl;
    /* explicit */ Foo(int val): val_(val)
        std::cout << "ctor" << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    // why is the initializer_list ctor invoked?
    Foo foo {10};


initializer_list ctor

我理解,值 10 隐式转换为 Foo (第一个 ctor output),那么初始化器构造函数会执行(第二个 initializer_list ctor 输出)。我的问题是为什么这是发生?是不是标准构造函数 Foo(int)更好的匹配?也就是说,我希望这个片段的输出只是 ctor

As far as I understand, the value 10 is implicitly converted to a Foo (first ctor output), then the initializer constructor kicks in (second initializer_list ctor output). My question is why is this happening? Isn't the standard constructor Foo(int) a better match? I.e., I would have expected the output of this snippet to be just ctor.

PS:如果我标记构造函数 Foo(int) as explicit ,然后 Foo(int)是唯一被调用的构造函数,因为 10 现在不能隐式转换为 Foo

PS: If I mark the constructor Foo(int) as explicit, then Foo(int) is the only constructor invoked, as the integer 10 cannot now be implicitly converted to a Foo.


§[over.match.list] / p1:

§ [over.match.list]/p1:

当非聚合类类型 T 的对象列表初始化为

  • 最初,候选函数是类的初始化列表构造函数(8.5.4)

  • 如果没有找到可行的初始化列表构造函数,重载分辨率为再次执行,其中候选函数都是
    T 的构造函数,参数列表由
    初始化器列表的元素组成。 / li>
  • Initially, the candidate functions are the initializer-list constructors (8.5.4) of the class T and the argument list consists of the initializer list as a single argument.
  • If no viable initializer-list constructor is found, overload resolution is performed again, where the candidate functions are all the constructors of the class T and the argument list consists of the elements of the initializer list.

如果初始化器列表没有元素,并且 T b构造函数,第一阶段被省略。在复制列表初始化中,

If the initializer list has no elements and T has a default constructor, the first phase is omitted. In copy-list-initialization, if an explicit constructor is chosen, the initialization is ill-formed.


As long as there is a viable initializer-list constructor, it will trump all non-initializer-list constructors when list-initialization is used and the initializer list has at least one element.



09-06 09:10