

对于整个iOS 7的感觉,我想对屏幕的特定部分应用模糊效果来模糊化它,但我不想只是把模糊瞬间,我想动画和动画

For the whole iOS 7 feel, I want to apply a blur effect to a specific portion of the screen to obfuscate it, but I don't want to just throw the blur on instantly, I want to animate it in and animate it out so the user almost sees the blur effect being applied.


Almost as if in Photoshop you changed the gaussian blur value bit by bit from 0 to 10, instead of 0 to 10 in one go.


I've tried a few solutions to this, the most popular suggestion being to simply put the blurred view on top of a non-blurred view, and then lower the alpha value of the blurred view.


This works okay, but not very eye pleasing as there's no transition, it's just an overlay. Example:


What would be a better way to achieve such an effect? I'm familiar with GPUImage, but not sure how to accomplish it with that.


It'd also be great if I could control what percentage of the blur it is at, so it could be applied interactively from the user. (e.g.: user drags halfway, the blur is half applied, etc.)


使用iOS 9及更高版本,您可以动画对视觉效果视图的影响:

With iOS 9 and above, you can animate the effect on visual effect views:

[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations: ^ {
    visualEffectView.effect = blurEffect;
} completion:nil];


This will achieve the expected effect of animating the blur radius.

我想如果你从非模糊视图 - >模糊视图动画交叉淡入淡出,它将是令人愉快的。

I think if you animate a crossfade from non-blurred view -> blurred view, it will be pleasing enough. You need to animate the display of the blur view on top of the non-blurred view.

让我们假设 blurView 在模糊视图的顶部显示模糊视图。是包含模糊效果的视图。

Let's assume blurView is the view containing the blur effect.


Here are two examples of how to accomplish an animated transition:

[UIView transitionWithView:self.view duration:0.3 options:UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCrossDissolve animations: ^ {
    [self.view addSubview:blurView];
} completion:nil];

这里我假设 blurView


You can also achieve this in a different way:

blurView.alpha = 0.0f;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 animations: ^ {
    blurView.alpha = 1.0f;
} completion:nil];

这里,我使模糊视图透明,并使其外观动画。请注意,使用此方法将无法使用 hidden ,因此您要使用 alpha 属性。

Here, I make the blur view transparent and animate its appearance. Notice that using this method will not work with hidden, so you want to use the alpha property.


If you wish to control the blur amount interactively, here is an example on how to achieve:


First create an image of the view you want to blur:

UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(nonBlurredView.bounds.size, NO, self.view.window.screen.scale);
[nonBlurredView drawViewHierarchyInRect:nonBlurredView.bounds afterScreenUpdates:NO];
UIImage *snapshotImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();


Keep this image. You only want to redraw in a similar fashion if the view has been changed. Otherwise, you should reuse this image, as it is expensive to draw the hierarchy.


Now, when you need to blur, use the following code:

CIImage *imageToBlur = [CIImage imageWithCGImage:snapshotImage.CGImage];
CIFilter *gaussianBlurFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName: @"CIGaussianBlur"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:imageToBlur forKey: @"inputImage"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:@10 forKey: @"inputRadius"]; //Here you input the blur radius - the larger, the
CIImage *resultImage = [gaussianBlurFilter valueForKey: @"outputImage"];
UIImage *endImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCIImage:resultImage];

输入 inputRadius 的模糊执行。如果你动画这个,你会实现互动的感觉。

The inputRadius input gives sets up the amount of blur performed. If you animate this, you will achieve an interactive feel.


But I still think the former method is much easier and will feel as good to the user.


09-05 14:19