

我试图将自己的脑筋围绕CSS的一些细节,我从 W3 CSS视觉格式规范9.2.2 特别是钝:

I'm trying to wrap my brain around some of the finer points of CSS and I found this portion of this excerpt from the W3 CSS Visual Formatting Spec 9.2.2 particularly obtuse:


What exactly do they mean by single opaque box?


Any clarification is much appreciated. Thanks!



It means that the box is a singular, solid unit, and that it cannot be split across lines like an inline box can when its text cannot all fit on a single line. See section 9.4.2 which describes this splitting behavior and the terms "inline formatting context" and "line box".

如果行上没有任何空间可容纳原子内联框,则如果有换行的机会,整个框将换行到下一行(否则它将使行框溢出) ,即使原子内联框包含的内联内容可能部分适合当前行的剩余空间.这是因为原子内联的内联内容不参与与原子内联本身相同的内联格式化上下文中,它参与了原子内联框中 内的单独内联格式化上下文中,因此必须保留在原子内联框的边界内.

If there is no longer any space on a line to fit an atomic inline box, the entire box wraps to the next line if there is a line break opportunity (otherwise it overflows the line box), even if the atomic inline box contains inline content that would partially fit the remaining space on the current line. This is because the inline content of an atomic inline doesn't participate in the same inline formatting context as the atomic inline itself — it participates in a separate inline formatting context within the atomic inline box, and therefore must remain within the boundaries of the atomic inline box.


p {
    width: 5em;
    background-color: #f0f0f0;

span {
    background-color: #d0d0d0;

.inline-block {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 4.5em;
<p>text <span class=inline>inline text</span> more text
<p>text <span class=inline-block>inline block</span> more text


07-30 23:59