

我正在将XML文件的导入功能写入Java应用程序.我正在使用 XOM 来解析XML文件.解析XML的代码不容易理解,它是一些硬编码的.getChild(3),依此类推.与声明性XML文档相比,很难遵循该代码.

I'm writing an import function of XML files to my Java application. I am using XOM to parse the XML files. The code for parsing the XML is not easy to understand, it is some hardcoded .getChild(3) and so on. It is hard to follow the code compared to the declarative XML document.


Isn't there a more maintainable way to parse XML documents to Java objects? I would like to have it in a more declarative way, where I can specify what tags corresponds to what Java classes.


我终于发现 XStream 很简单以声明的方式使用和解析XML.

I finally found XStream that was easy to use and parses the XML in a declarative way.


09-02 11:00